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The weekend was finally here and I couldn't be happier to snuggle up in my comforter. Since I got a job, my life has been all about work, but after a long time today I was able to sleep-in until that annoyingly bright sunlight slipped through the cracks of my curtain and forced me awake.

I decided to freshen up and make myself a cup of coffee before I could officially start my day scheduled with all the unpacking I was left with. Mom couldn't plan to meet-up since she was currently busy with a client and that work required her to be in Austin.

Kate was coming over today, to see my place to hangout and to help me unpack all the cardboard boxes that still stood perched all over the apartment floor. She only wanted to hangout 'outside of working hours' but my plans for the day left her with no choice but to help out.

Right as I was pouring myself a cup of coffee, the doorbell rang and I opened the door to an excited Kate, she was carrying multiple shopping bags and I extended my hand and offered to relieve her of that burden but she didn't even notice, instead her eyes were widened as she took in the place, that was now my home. "Oh my god! It's beautiful! I can't even see all of it but I already freaking love it!" she squealed, and I grinned at her reaction. "Even the building, an-and your front door looked so fancy, I couldn't stop admiring it until you opened up."

"Didn't I tell you?" I chuckled at her child-like excitement.

She then looked at the barely unboxed living situation and said, "Oh boy, it seems as if very recently you went on an online shopping spree and brought everything on Amazon." I rolled my eyes, "Wait till we are done with your place it's gonna look divine." she added.

"Okay, sure we'll do that but after I've had my coffee..." I went back inside the kitchen to pick up my neglected coffee mug. "There's more coffee in the pot if you want some?" I offered.

She didn't hesitate to help herself. "Did you have breakfast yet?" I asked, barely glancing at her.

"Not yet..." she said, "but I got us some cupcakes" she smiled as she looked through the bags that she brought with her and pulled out an assorted box of cupcakes.

"The day just got a lot better." I mumbled, smiling into my cup.


"So..." Kate began and trailed off as if she wanted me to understand what she was getting at.

"What?" I asked, cluelessly.

She rolled her eyes and elaborated "you and Jensen seemed pretty friendly last time."

I scoffed, "The fact that I was holding back from snapping at him that whole night says otherwise."

"Come on, you were more than getting along.... And he was actually enjoying himself, which is rare." Kate told me.

"I think it was a form of truce, he didn't want me to slash his tires in a fit of rage like I was planning to." I said, smilingly.

"I don't understand your pranks at all... " Kate shrugged. "Just don't shoot his efforts down if he's actually trying okay...?"

"So you're saying if he tries to make my life miserable, I should let him because he went through a lot of effort?" I asked cheekily.

"Or the opposite." Kate said and walked into the kitchen, leaving me confused.

Morning passed quickly, while we chatted, enjoyed our food. It was past noon when we managed to get at least half the work done, there was a lot left to unpack but already this place was starting to look inhabitable.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now