26. SO MUCH FOR...

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Chapter 26: SO MUCH FOR...

Alex's POV;


I settled down on the side of my building's stairs, trying not to ruin my too-fancy-for-just-a-night dress gown I was forced into. The aquamarine sleeveless body hugging dress was perfectly crease-less even after solitary confinement of almost a year and I had no idea how.

The simple, neat pulled up hair bun was uncomfortable but I decided to endure it for one night.

After giving me a bunch of instructions Kate left promising that she would come with her brother to pick me up right on time. I wasn't comfortable showing up alone and so we decided to go together. So far they were 30 minutes late. I sighed. I should just take my own car.

So much for being 'right on time'.

The night hadn't even begun but I was already drained, all I could do was take off my high heels and wiggle my toes to allow blood flow back into my feet.

"Where the heck are these idiots?" I muttered as I pulled out my phone from a very impractical hand purse and prepared to speed dial Kate when suddenly a car came to a screeching halt right in front of the gates with flashing headlights.

I was met with 2 pairs of almost identical apologetic faces of Kate and Matthew Winters through the rolled down windows, although Kate's apology didn't last long and soon her face morphed into that of a horrified art connoisseur whose masterpiece was being used as toilet paper.

I quickly pulled my heels back on and approached them casually as they both stepped out of the car.

"Were you really in all seriousness sitting at the stairs with that dress on?" Kate bellowed and I flinched internally.

"Obviously I wasn't." I lied and quickly changed the topic. "Hey Matty! So long... Nice of you to crawl out of your black hole of a basement, how's life down there? Made another one of your globally trending masterpieces yet?" I smiled at him.

"Cut it out." He mumbled, rolling his eyes and pulled me into a warm hug while Kate busied herself with checking the wellbeing of my dress. Matt was wearing a tux and came to think of it, this was the first time I've seen him so put together.

"Three years and no special changes huh?" He placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me at an arm's length surveying me before flashing his earnest smile.

"I would love to say the same but the Times magazine list of 'top 20 youngest millionaires' says otherwise." I countered, because despite it being a compliment I knew he would be embarrassed.

"Don't make me fight you, we're pretending to be adults tonight." He broodingly frowned, and opened the back door to his luxuriously expensive car for me.

"Oooh fancy!" I whispered, referring to his riches despite his reaction. Matt ignored me and we all settled in before he started driving.

Kate turned in her seat and frowned at my lack of effort to look good for the night. What? I was wearing my diamond earrings, wasn't I? That counts!

"Alex there's gonna be a swarm of paparazzi, you at least wanna put your best foot forward don't you?" She said like she was talking to an idiot.

"You don't need to worry about paparazzi and my foot, they might have already packed up and left hours ago." I retorted.

Her frown intensified, "C'mon we're not that late. Besides, it was all Matt's fault, don't blame me."

"Woah..." Matt glanced at me through the rare-view mirror with wide eyes.

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