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*** There may be some mistakes here and there . In the whole book .Grammatic , some just missplelling by mistake .But I will fix later but the first few chapters are okey .Nice reading loves. .***

Chapter 1~ I can just hope.



How can you just come now ,in the middle of the night and kick me out of the house. " This is alot to take in. Alot. Where will I go. I don't have a single shilling on me. Even if i sell all my possession , its not enough. And my endless list of problems keep getting better and better.

"You have not paid your rent for the past two months and I have someone who will pay three time the price you couldn't . Plus your giving me losses and I need to put food on the table for my family." Now I am speechless. Yes I know I haven't paid my rent on time.

"Regan I will pay you by the end of the week I-" he interrupts me.

"That's what you always say.. Not this time. " I sigh. This battle is now over. I can't bargain any further than this. It's either I pay him a five month worth of rent or just walk away into the dangerous streets.Maybe the streets can be safe ,Right . I grab the bags that are already outside the door and start my new adventure, the future holds for me. It's just two small bags and me.

"Demi ." Regan calls out to me as i pass near him " I am still your friend but my family comes first.I hope you understand."

An honest smile spread across my face."I understand."

I walk searching for a place but nothing was popping up. And this streets are dangerous. Broken glasses were on the pavement along with food rappings and empty beer bottles and cans .Some walls had fallen off. Others had been spray painted the logos of the gangs in this area. Its like their marking their leadership in this area. And this streets were deserted.Everything around me just screamed dangerous.I knew what happens to people who walk here late at night. You can just hear their screams for help, but no one comes for their rescue.A few survive till dawn, others just die .I shiver at that thought.

Tonight was dark. The moon is covered by the thick dark clouds. The wind is blowing hard lifting papers . And I can't explain how cold it is, but its just bad, the worst part is that I don't have a sweater or jacket with me. I hope I don't catch a cold. Cause that will be like adding salt on my problems.

I continue walking until I see someone on the alley I entered. The person is coming towards me. i felt a horrible feeling in my gut. Like something bad is going to happen.

"What's a fine young girl doing here at night? "He ask while looking at me with lust. It was like his stripping me.

I know this guy is bad news. I look behind me, two more people are walking towards me. Maybe they just want to play tea party with me. Wait three against one maybe I can take them down. I look in front of me and two more people appear. Okey now that's changed five against one that's bad. So damn bad. The ones behind me grab my hands. I begging struggling to remove my hands but now that was bad cause they start hitting me. One is even trying to kiss me. But who in their right senses will kiss back in this kind of situation. Even a mad person won't.Let's just say they beat me until I was almost unconscious. Atleast they didn't rape me. That's a relief.

I thank the gods above for that.

With my blurry eyes, I could see one of them take my bags and they left me.
They were leaving me to bleed to death. How sweet after we had all that fun.

I wait for a minute or two to make sure its safe. I lay on the ground gathering my last engery in me to stand . It went well but my legs felt like jelly. And not in the right way. I think some bones are broken.I drag my painful limbs out of the alley and back to the streets. I just hope someone has pity for me and picks me up. I hope I get that luck people get in the fiction books I have read aboutWhere a girl is beaten up and almost rapped and then her angel comes for her and she finds herself in somewhere safe. Then falls in love. Oh, screw this is reality nothing can happen. But I can just hope. I reach the streets and my body just goes off. I fall on the dirty hard concrete slabe. At least I didn't drop head first. That's too dangour for my case.

"Oh my... . " I could hear a lady like voice crying from a far . All I just want to do was sleep. I felt their arms around me and she was saying something but all I could feel now was to just relax on the dark spot my mind has fixed for me.


Hey lovely readers.

How I wish I had the preveledge to use the line "this is my first book. " but sadly I can't cos it my second book.

So this is a good book not a cliche book like all those other werewolf books but no offense I love those books too.

But this book its all my mine. The plotting, names and ideas.. Its mine. And if I get word that your publishing this book in another site without my concent.

You will be so sorry for your silly ideas. And am not all big hat, no cattle. I will take action.

Cos all of my ideas come only when my brain is tired and that means no sleep. And u don't want to deal with the devil in me.

I just hope you guys will love this book. And respect my characters also those that are the bad guys.

Sorry if am being harsh but any author can understand what am talking about. Or its like you having a project and everything then booming, someone comes claiming it all.

It will hurt like a bitch.

In short, I don't love sharing. Mostly things I have worked for.

Thank you for reading





S. H. A. R. E.



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