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Hey, am dieing too update today even if its not Tuesday.

But I hope you guys are okey.. If not just tell yourself this. Everything will be okey and do everything that makes you happy.

That's my only advice, cause people only judge. So like me, I just write if I feel like I have something good. And am still learning how to describe this.

Oh wait, let's go back to the story.

Hope you love this chapter.


" Hey am Kalami but you can call me Kal. " I was still at the back yard and April left me to observe how people do training here.

And I can say they are pretty good. More so better than what I have ever seen.

"Demi "I tell the girl in front of me. She was short than me but I think with just one inch.

She is a brunette just like me but mine has strands of blond hair in it so if its not neat it looks dirty. But I still love my hair. But it has started getting more blond from the roots going up and its freaking me out.

"Come let me show you around and introduce you to some of my friends. But I have claims on you. " She pulls me away to God knows where.

We stopped in front two people who were training or more so I can say fighting. It was just a hand on hand combat. Some  three people where cheering them. Two girls and one was a boy.

"Olam you got this. " the boy  cheered.

"No.. Nick FINISH HIM OFF. " Kalami started shouting.

Now I know that, one of them is Olam and the other Nick.

The continue going at each other until one of them shifted.  He shifted to a beautiful white wolf but it has black two black lines.

The other guy also shifted his wolf was a white one. His also had a black line but one.

Wow their wolfs are beautiful. I knew they we're not fighting to death but to get the other one to submit.

The wolfs circled each other studying each others weakest point. I had seen this back in the pack. They say you should not show your weakness to your opponent.The this two wolfs in front of me we're doing a perfect job than the warriors back home.

The wolf with one line jumped to the other wolf. The other wolf was quick so he dodged the attack. Then without wasting time. The two lines grabbed the other wolf by its neck.

Two lines brought his legs togeyhr near one lines body making one lines trapped.

Two lines added more pressure on one lines neck and that made one lines submit.

Two lines left him and come walking to Kalami. He had a wolf grin.

Kalami crouched down and opened her arms for the wolf. He walked to her and licked her face.

"Nick gross. Now I have saliver on my face. " The wolf just laughed but it was howling at her while Kalami's face wrinkled with disgusted.  The site was funny.

The wolf went near some clothes and took a short and a shirt. Then he disappointed behind a tree.

Yes. I know your wondering why he needed clothes . You see when we shift with our clothes they  get torn. So if you don't want to ruin our cloth either we remove them or just let them get torn. But in most cases torn is a better option cause I can be attack anytime of the day and my attacker won't care about my damn clothes.

"Guys meet Demi. " Kalami says. The group turned and looked at Kalami then at me. Wow  getting alot of attention today. I feel like a celebrity. I mentally smirk to that thought.

How I wish I was a celebrity. Easy life. Just paparazzi following you around. Crowns of people chanting you name. DEMI!  DEMI!  DEMI.! Then you live large and update your social media like every hour or something Like than. Such an easy life.

"Hey... Hello... Anybody home.. " someone snapped in front of my face interrupting my beautiful daydream of me being a celebrity.

"Oh what we're you saying. " I ask Kalami.

"You are an believable. " Kalami sighs placing her left hand to her head and shaking her head for emphasis.

"I was just doing introduction and you zoomed out on me. " she turned to the rest of the group. "Am I that boring? "

You know that are the question which have a low threat to it.
If you answer you die. And the only way out of this is by changing the topic.

"So Nox, Revan, Stella.. " I said pointing them.

I knew if I look at Kalami her mouth would be wider than the gates of heaven.

What my ears help me if my life depends on it. I may be in lala-land but my ears have a record I have missed. Its just a think about me. Full of surprises.
Just as my name means surprise. Which goes way back to the first Luna of my pack, but that's a story for another day.

"You were listening. " I just shrugged. Its as if she was telling me about the weather.

"Yes I was... So can you guys teach me whose moves  Nick and Olam were doing. "



S. H. A. R. E.


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