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Hey again..

I so yes I decided to update twice a week but I think I will update at my pace.. If I go fast good... If I go slow sorry.

But thank you for reading my book.

Please do vote at the end or just have a simple comment. Just that.


This guys training is too much. Its intense. What I had seen few weeks ago, the fight Olam and Nick had was nothing. They train regarding to your strength and you give your all but don't kill.

But I have not fought in wolf form yet and am not planing to until I feel am good with my hand with hand combat.

No one has ever seen my wolf fur. Not even my parent or my pack. No one. I shifted at a young age. At 6 years and I thought it was normal but I came to know that one shifts when they turn 13 and above. So I just laid low.

Yes I can still feel my wolf. She is happy by the way and I would do anything to make her happy. She has my back and I will always have hers. Always

My pack.. Oh those people. They just judged me. No one paid attention to me... But at least I has a two people who will always have my back, Ace, my brother and Lilly. 

Its long seems I have talked to them like an year. I miss them dearly. They were the only family I had before this one.

I felt my would being on the edge as if something bad was going to happen.

I zoomed of and my vision went to our boundaries.

This is a small pack, we can take it down and take it as our place. ” One of the guys said.

“Yeah let's move in they won't notice. Plus they don't have patrol like other packs. ” Another guy said.

I looked and saw they were like twenty guys.

My sixth sense kicked in. I stood up from my bed and jumped from my bed room window and shifted mid air. The wolfs we were near me wondered what was wrong.

I just ran to the direction I saw the rouges from vision. And I come to our boundaries. As expected they we're twenty.

I snicked around  and attacked those that were not paying attention. Now I was left with sixteen.

I emerged my self from my hiding spot. The wolfs looked furious at fast but then then smiled as if I knew what they were saying.

1 against  14

Easy .

And just like that I lefty wolf have some fun with this rogues. She is always messy with her games but she will never let her fur be dirty.

She is a clean freak. I think that's why I was given a pure white wolf. But a good thing is that we can change our fur colour and be messy how we want.

She grabbed one by the neck and reaped it apart from its body. That will leave a mark.

Two wolfs come flying at her and she laid flat letting the two idiots to have the damage. Smart wolf. She reaped their heads also.

She did the same to the remaining but I took charge I have to get one of them to speak.

I lugned on one but this time I didn't reap the head apart. I pressed my canine on his artery and he was out like a light bulb.

I looked up and saw one wolf had already gotten away and was far away from my reach but maybe if I push my limit I can get that rouge.

I felt twigs break and looked back. My new family was looking at me as if I was a new virus that has been discovered.

I shifted back.. And lucky me when I shift my clothes are intact. No damage done.

"Take this one back to the medic wing. And make his room guarded. " I felt like my voice was foreign for me. It was heavy and it was like both me and my wolf were speaking at the same time.

Idiot we gave them an order.My wolf tells me.

Wait how... I want to know.. I felt her blocking me. Oh crap. When she does that it means I have a lot of work to do and search for my answers alone then she will come to correct me when she sees am doing the wrong thing.

Homework for me. I can't. Believe my wolf some times.  Times like this I hate her.

Still love you dear. My wolf tells me making kissing sounds. Shish this wolf.

I turned back and saw they were carrying the body I told them to.
All their heads we're in a form of submission.

Okey now I see this thing is real.

Oh captain obvious has known that one plus one is two. My wolf brought her sacarsim to a new level.

That wolf.

V.. O.. T.. E..

C. O. M. M. E. N. T.

S.. H.. A.. R.. E..


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