Chapter 1

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3rd Person
The hall is quiet. The battle of Camlann had took many lives, one of them being the main villains, Morgana and Mordred. Relief spread through the kingdom when the news were heard. No more evil high priestess trying to kill the king and take over Camelot every 2 weeks. Although, a tragedy hit Camelot in the face when they heard that another of the lives taken during the battle was the Queen of Camelot's. She was a big part in everyone's lives and now she was gone. The guest kept looking over at their king, who had tears in his eyes. Not as many for a person who just lost the love of their life but them at must be because he already cried all of his tears of a trick of the light. Right?


Merlin POV

"Thank you, to everyone who is here with us to mourn in memory of the Queen" said Arthur. He kept his posture regal and formal looking but the look in his eyes told a completely different story. I look around the room. Elyan was crying, knowing he will never see his sister again. Lancelot was also crying. I knew he still loved Queen but he respected her choice to be with Arthur.
"As we all know,Queen Guinevere was the kindest, most amazing friend or queen anyone could ask for and she wanted everyone to be happy and live freely,". A murmur of agreement spread through the hall.
"But we cannot do that when one law in this kingdom stands,". The murmur silenced immediately.
"For 20 years, my Father has hunted and persecuted those with magic, for the reason of that they are dangerous and evil,"Arthur said, his voice still wavering in memory of his father. As soon as my brain processed his sentence and I couldn't breathe
"Is this it? Can I finally be free without fear of being killed?" I thought to myself. I notice Lance shift his gaze and our eyes meet.
"Many of you will agree with the many attacks from my sister.  However, one very close to all of us has told me they're true identity. Of course I felt betrayed and angry. Another person I trusted has something to do with magic. But after a moment of thought, they made me realise that not all magic is evil. It can be very useful and beautiful," He continued. He shifted his gaze towards me. Suddenly the floor became one of the most interesting things in this world. His gaze shifted back to the crowd.
"I won't ask them to come up if they're not comfortable in doing so but, from now on, Magic will be legality in Camelot!"he spoke to the crowd. My jaw dropped to the floor. Many others did too, some of them being the old men in the council with narrow minded opinions.
"Of course it will take some time for magic to be normalised and hopefully in time magic will no longer be hated and feared. Also, families who have lost friends or loved ones will receive personal gifts for the lost person. It's not much but it I hope you can forgive be happy they didn't die in vain," He finished. His face was a blank canvas no emotion portraying.  I could tell he was nervous. It's what you get after you continuously save his life for 5 years. He was pulling along the hems of his cape, his sign of panic. After a moment of silence I start clapping. Soon the whole hall was clapping and cheering. A few were also chanting 'love live the king'. I muttered a spell that made flower petals fall from the roof. The children there looked up in wonder and awe and the people who weren't convinced that magic can be good, a look of relief spread across their faces. I sighed happily. This is it. The first day of my life where I can finally be free. Where I won't be feared or hated or killed. It was great.


Hey so it's me, first chapter it's shitty but oh well. I also would like to show what happened while me and my mom were watching merlin

Uther:*magicphobic bullshittyness*

Me: God it's so obvious that the magic is just a replacement of how the lgbtq community is being treated


Me: yeah like how people hate it and people with magic get killed


Me: Or how it's not something you choose like the druids, Merlin and Morgana


Me:*goes back to watching the show like nothing happened *

Mom:... WHAT THE F-

Thank you for reading and tell me if I can improve anything
Bye losers✌️

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