Chapter 5

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So here is chapter 5 and it will probably suck like the others. Also, what other fandoms do you want me to write fan-fiction of. I will probably be in said fandom but we never know. still writing on computer. I only write on my phone for the ✨🧚🏼‍♀️emojis🌸🍄.
Enjoy the gæ✌️


3rd Person POV

One of the things we will not discuss is how the knights of the round table managed to escape the last situation (which is being chased around the kingdom by a very angry King and Court Sorcerer, screaming their head of like 5 teenage girls finding out their celebrity crush is currently single) with their heads still on their shoulders and going off scot-free without any form of punishment (mainly because the author doesn't know either). However if you do, discuss this matter, you will be met with a very angry Court Sorcerer, who thinks it's unfair the knights get off free without punishment, knowing full well that if he would do something like that, he would of been in the stocks for weeks, maybe month even.

Another situation we will never mention, is how we got here. The current situation is how a (straight, male) knight got the king (another male, rain-check on straight though) to agree to go on a picnic (a very romantic date activity) with him (and bring his personally Court Sorcerer and part-time manservant, of course). So here we are, a very embarrassed knight, an uncomfortable king and an extremely confused man-servant.

Despite the awkward situation, the view was amazing. The crystal-clear lake reflecting the blue sky, a cool breeze ruffled the leaves in the trees. Merlin breathed in air while his eyes were closed. He still couldn't quite believe that he where he was. He always believed this would happen because, you know, DESTINY, but he never imagine what would happen after Albion was united. He still couldn't quit get his head around the fact that he was free and that him and all magic folk won't have to live in fear. He trying to concentrated on the background noises like the birds ect. However, the king and the knight had other plans. Merlin turned around to see that Gwaine had arrived and Leon was mounting his horse, which confused him. However, what confused him even more was the fact that Arthur wasn't mounting on his horse like Leon.

"Hey, what's going on? Where's Leon going?" Merlin asked, slightly confused.

"Well, he said he'll come back in a few minutes, he had family issues or something," He explained.

"Right, and we're staying because?"

"Like I said MER-IN, he said he'll be back, and I don't want to seem rude,"

"A little late for that..." Mumbled Merlin

"What was that, Merlin. Speak louder," Challenged Arthur, with a threatening tone.

"NOTHING! Nothing..."

Thought so,"

"No but seriously, explain to me why we're staying?" Merlin ask, slightly confused, "Because we both now this is a very uncomfortable situation that neither of us want to be in. Can't you just make up some excuse like you had a meeting to arrange, or have to take care of the rio-" Continued Merlin, but was cut short due to the fact that Arthur just pushed him into the lake

"I'm serious Merlin, do you every stop talking?" He asked sarcastically to the other man as soon as he popped up from under the water.

"Ugh! Whatever, just help me out, it's the least you can do after you SO KINDLY put me in this situation," Asked/complained Merlin

"Fine, geez Merlin stop being such a girl," Arthur replied while sticking his hand out for Merlin to grab. Obviously, what Gwaine and Leon wanted to happen here is Merlin would grab Arthur's hand 'feel a spark of electricity/warmth spread through his body' and 'they would look in each other's eyes' and of course 'they would confess their love for each other and live happily ever after'. What actually happened was that as Merlin grabbed Arthur's hand, he pulled pulled him into the water as well

"WHAT THE HELL MERLIN!" Shouted Arthur, who was trying to stay afloat

"That's revenge, prat!" Replies Merlin, splashing him in the face. 

"Why you-" Started Arthur before he was interrupted by the young warlock again.

The two knights watched from a far as the two men continued to splash around and shout profanities at each other. It wasn't what they originally wanted to happen but it was close enough. They high-fives each other as they turned back to their horses to Camelot to tell the others the results of Idea #2.


Hey so this is chapter five. Sorry for the gap between chapters. It's the summer holidays and I'm travelling so I won't really be able to update. Also, sorry the chapters are so short. I don't have the ability to write longer chapter, bu I can try. No episode of Me And Mom Watch Merlin™️ sadly so yeah
Bye losers ✌️

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