Chapter 3

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Hey so this is the next day and I hate the last parts but I can't be bothered to re-write them so.... yeah!


Arthur POV

The doe walked quietly through to the lake. Silence filled the forest. I raised and readied my crossbow. I point the arrow. Steady....Steady


The doe ran away. I turn my head very slowly, seething red.
"What did I miss?" Merlin questioned, looking at me with innocence in his eyes.
"I don't know, I can actually put up with you. Oh and save your life every time Camelot is attacked, which is basically constantly," He replied sassily.
"Ugh, whatever it's getting dark let's set up camp," I say defeated. I can't really laugh and joke about  at that now that I know that he IS actually saving my life every time Camelot is attacked. The knights went over to fill their flask to the lake while Merlin went over to the horses. I tip-toe quietly to Merlin as his back his turned. Steady.... Steady.


Gwaine POV

I turn around at the sudden noise. Turns out it was Merlin being tickled by Arthur. A faint 'Arthur, stop!' could be heard.
"Hey is it just me or Arthur and Merlin closer now?" I say suspiciously.
"Right, I thought I was the only one who thought so," Agreed Elyan. He has been quieter after Gwen funeral. We can't really blame him, she was his sister.
"I thought so too, I just didn't want to say anything that would offend the king," Said Percival. Probably half the kingdom thinks that to make Percy speak at all.
"What do you think Lance?" I turn to him. We all turn to him as he and Leon were the only ones who haven't about this spoken yet.
"I-I mean I guess so? Like they've always been close, so I guess I haven't notice them get closer," Muttered Lance.
"Guys we shouldn't be talking about this. It is Merlin's and the king's business of how close their relationship is, we shouldn't invade with our inappropriate theories," Explained Leon. He was no fun. Always so serious.
"Yeah, well. I guess you're right. I was just thinking maybe they need a little... you know, push," I said.
"What are you suggesting Gwaine?" Said Leon with a menacing tone.
"Nothing!" I say putting my hands up on defence.
"Really?" Says Leon, unconvinced.
"I'm just saying, I mean, you gotta admit they are a cute couples," I pause while looking over at the two. Merlin was currently straddling Arthur, his hands pinned over his head, and getting revenge for Arthur's tickle attack, with him squirming underneath him and begging for mercy "maybe they need a little... nudge in the right direction," I finish saying, gesturing with my hands.
"Are you saying we should try and get our supposedly straight friends in an same-sex relationship?" Questioned Elyan.
"Yeah, sure. We should talk about this later though. Their probably gonna wonder what's taking so long," I say looking over my shoulder to look at the idiots again.


Leon POV

I was thinking over what Gwaine said over at the lake. It was absurd! The king and his manservant in a relationship! It was absurd to think about but when you look at their friendship over the years, it's really hard to not to think that. So here they were, sitting around the fire.
"Before we begin, are we sure they like each other like that? Like Elyan said before, aren't the supposedly straight?" Asked Percival.
"Yeah they do. Have you seen how intensely they star at each other. It's so intense it kind of freaks me out and it feels awkward when you're in the middle of that gaze. I should know," I say, shuddering at the memory of when I was in the intense staring.
"I believe the correct term for when two people are starring that hard at each other and it's making other people uncomfortable is eye-fucking," Said Gwaine.
"Yeah, right. You probably invented that term right now. Plus, I'm pretty sure they already had fling awhile ago," Said Elyan calmly, starring at the fire.
"WHAT, WHEN?!" Shouted Gwaine in disbelief "AND WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME?!" He looked around at everyone.
"SSHH! Quiet, you'll wake them up! Leon told me. He caught them in a hallway and 'apparently', Merlin was teaching Arthur 'poetry'," Elyan responded using air-quotes.
"And you bought it?! Come on man! You're supposed to be the smartest one! Also, when something like that happens, come straight to me,"He said looking over at me.
"As if! And, also, what do you think they were doing?" I responded, feeling kind of embarrassed.
"FUCKING!" He yelled.
"NO!" I shouted back.
"Guys, calm down! At least we know they were a thing or had a fling. This means they aren't straight, or completely straight anyway and this makes our mission a lot easier," Said Lancelot.
"That's exactly what I was thinking, Lance! So who's with me? You don't have to be but if you aren't, we can no longer be friends. Sorry, not," Gwaine said/threatened, while raising his hand. Elyan's and Percival's hands went up at the same time.
"Sure, why not?" Agreed Lancelot after a little while. He raised his hand as well. They all looked at me, who still has my hand down. I lock eyes with everyone around the campfire.
"...Fine," I sigh, giving in.
"YES! Great, let's get planning. This is going to be so much fun," Gwaine said, with a friendly/malicious glint in his eyes. Oh Dear Lords, what did I sign myself up for?


So that's it. Chapter 3 BOOM, done. Finishing this chapter with another episode of, you guessed it: Me and Mom Watching Merlin™️

Mom: Arthur's straight, he loves Gwen!


Arthur(at Merlin): I'll have you for breakfast !🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Me: *chokes in gay* I'm sorry 😳WHA-? Did I hear that right?

Mom: yeah, why?

Me: I'm sorry, no. You're going to look me in the eye and tell me Arthur is straight?! AFTER HE SAID THAT?!

Mom (in heterosexual confusion): .... yes?? I don-

The End. Bara Bing, Bara Boom! Done . Tell me if you like and what I can do to be better.
Bye losers ✌️

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