Chapter 6

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It's been a week since I met Cora and each day I've seen her I get more and more grateful to be her dad. That little girl is always so happy, no matter what, it's refreshing since I deal with people losing their loved ones all the time.

On Friday, I met them at the park after work and we just played. Cora was content to just play on the slide and the monkey bars-with a little assistance-all night. We went for ice cream afterwards and I got to listen to her tell me all about her day with Grandma Jo.

Then on Sunday, I took them out to dinner. I was advised by Emily that Cora didn't really like fancy places, so we went to get hotdogs. She smiled so big when I handed it to her and that smile was like sunshine in the darkest of holes.

I never realized what I was missing, I thought my lifestyle was perfect. I was perfectly content to just get up and go to work, then maybe go to the bar to find another random hookup when the loneliness in my apartment got to be too much.

I had to catch up on paperwork after work on Monday and Tuesday, but tonight we are going to see a movie. I think The Lion King, I just asked Emily what movies she would think Cora would like. I'm not really aware of the most recent little kid movies, but apparently the theater by their house shows older movies too.

As I park my car by the theater, I see Emily's Silver SUV pull up beside me. I'm so glad she has a safe vehicle for her and Cora. I see so many car accidents that change people's lives forever and so much of it can be avoided by having a safe car.

I climb out and go to the door beside Cora's car seat.

"Hey, Cora. Are you ready to watch the movie?" I unbuckle her and lift her out of the carseat.

"Yeah!" She grabs my hand and tries to start walking for the theater.

"Let's wait for your mom, one second." She gives me this little pout and I almost give in, but I stand my ground.

"Thanks, let's go." Emily says as she climbs out. She grabs Cora's other hand and we slowly walk inside.

"I'll take two adult tickets and one child ticket for The Lion King." I hand the older woman a 20 dollar bill and she gives me the tickets and my change. "Thank you."
I raise my eyebrow toward the snack counter and Emily nods.

"Cora, what's your favorite candy?" I lift her up on my hip and hop in line behind a group of kids.

"Gummy worms!" She gives me that smile again and I could buy all the gummy worms they have.

"What about you, Em?" Her eyes flare at the nickname, probably because I called her that the night we made Cora.

"Sour Patch Kids, let me guess you are a chocolate fan."

"You would be right, once again. KitKat's are my favorite." I walk up to the counter then order for us.

"Does anyone need to go to the bathroom before the movie?"

"Nope, we went before we came."

I lead them to the middle of the 4th row and we sit with Cora in the middle. She is practically jumping up and down with excitement and it's adorable. As the movie starts, I find myself thinking I could live a happy life like this. I can't think of any place I'd rather be than in this movie theater.

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