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"Why the fuck did I let you do this to me?!" Another contraction hits and I feel like I'm dying.

Braxton is rubbing my back and holding my hand. He keeps being so fucking nice!

"I love you so much, Em. You're doing great. Colin will be here soon." See what I mean?

I squeeze his hand and take a breath that one is over.

"Dr.Thompson? I'm sorry, but you're only at 7 centimeters." Dr.Davidson is really not on my good side today.

I woke up at 4 in the morning to lower back pain and I didn't think anything of it. My back hurts all the time now and sleep is not something that I get very often. No position is comfortable and Colin was due 3 days ago.

Braxton just kept insisting he wasn't ready yet and that everything was okay. Nothing is fucking okay! I have a baby the size of a watermelon to birth and he is taking his sweet damn time!

"You've got this, Em." Braxton kisses my sweaty forehead and I swear if I didn't love him so much, I would cut off his balls. Then, I wouldn't have to worry about going through labor again.

I feel another contraction coming on and I crush Braxton's hand in a death grip. He grunts and if I wasn't in so much pain I would laugh. The contraction goes away and I sigh in relief.

A nurse rushes around the room and hands Braxton a cloth. He takes it and wipes my forehead with his other hand. It feels really nice.

"Thank you. I'm sorry." I really do feel bad.

"Don't apologize, you are giving the best gift I could ask for. Thank you, Em. I love you so much. Scream and yell at me all you want." God, I married the sweetest man on the planet.

"I know you're tired. It's gonna be okay, you can do this. You made it through with Cora and think of how amazing she is. Colin will be amazing too." I start crying again. His words are absolutely perfect and I'm so ready to meet our little boy.

Of course, Braxton takes my tears in stride and just wipes them away.

"How about we try the birthing ball?" I nod and he practically lifts me out of the bed. Sitting is so difficult, my baby belly is huge. Our son is going to be a massive baby.

Cora weighed 8 pounds and 13 ounces. Colin was predicted to be in between 9 and 11 pounds!

Braxton helps me onto the ball and massage my shoulders gently and I bounce lightly.

It does help a little, but when my next contraction starts I almost lose my balance.

Braxton gets down on one knee behind me and I lean back on him. His hand is like a stress ball and believe me I'm squeezing it.

"Emily! Here you are. We just got here and decided to check in on you. Leo is in the waiting room."

"Braxton knocked me up and now I'm trying to birth a fucking giant! Holy Hell!" I take a deep breath as the contraction ends. "Sorry, Brax. I love you." He just wipes my forehead again and kisses my cheek.

"I'm glad it's you and not me this time." My mom barely looks surprised and I basically just screamed at my husband.

Braxton lets out a deep chuckle and just smiles.

"She's giving me a son. She has every right to scream and squeeze my hand till it falls off." He rubs my belly and holds on to me tight.

"You picked a good one, Emily. Believe me you were less than pleasant last time too. It's okay, bringing a child into this world is hard work." I laugh, but it's not comical. It's fucking painful!

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