Chapter 15: Dances and intimacies

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Helen managed to make her drone decrypt the key of one of the old file folders of the New Future project that only they had in Eden on an ancient computer. The one that had caught her attention had the name of zones. There were more folders, but opening them would require a whole night, as had happened with that first one, so for the moment, she would review it and then take care of the others.

She studied the floor plans, the different chambers, and the capsules' position and found something that took her breath away. That capsule, precisely that one, was listed as occupied.

The woman snorted, leaning against the back of her chair. So, everything indicated an eighty percent chance that a man was around, but why hadn't he shown up? Why hadn't anyone seen him? A primitive being like that would not take long to subordinate some careless woman.

Maybe there was just a mistake, and there was no such man. That relieved her anguished mind, which was fearful for her perfect society.

Anyway, Helen accessed the capsule's data, and her body cooled, finding only the person's initials, age, weight, and other general data. A censored image was later not placed in the capsule for privacy purposes. From this, they only showed his dark hair, the lower part of the face, the chin, and the lips, a detail that she observed more than usual.

The warm feeling of those male lips didn't leave the black-haired girl's skin. She walked smiling down the corridor of Eden, remembering, hugging her abdomen, trying to contain the fluttering butterflies. Adrian had made her feel attractive with his way of looking at her, his words, and his actions. He had made her feel feminine, more woman. The texts Kariba read were right.

"Alysa, we have a task for you."

Teresa was sent to visit the prisoner who had owned the place they swept. She accepted without problems. Whatever they told her wouldn't bring her out of her state of happiness.

The girl stepped in front of the cell, and the glass showed the prisoner, but she couldn't see who was outside. The woman was in white clothes, her hair seemed between blond and gray, messy, looking at the white wall on her side. Teresa checked the vital signs on the surface and transferred the data with her finger's tip to the small screen she carried.

"What did you do to my children?" The girl heard the woman's question, swallowed hard, and wanted to speak, but returned to what she was doing. Maybe they were watching her. "I know you are there."

Teresa was intrigued, saw a slight movement reflected in the glass, and turned only to see how a small drone went up and down. It had scanned her. Teresa looked straight ahead again, and the woman looked in her direction.

"Err... They slept them," the girl tried to say quietly.

"You bastards," the woman wailed, returning her eyes to the empty wall on her side.

"I don't know what you expected. They have attacked women, and they are wild. They don't think..."

"Whatever. You don't take away the fact that they are also human. And yes, they think they do, but you never give them the opportunity here. You don't know. You're just a newcomer. You don't know the masculine nature."

But Teresa did know it. She looked down, inadvertently thinking about what might happen if they found Adrian. Would they understand that he was a thinking being? How would they react? Would they lock him up? She squeezed the screen that was in her arms, unable to imagine such a thing, nor that they separated her from him, nor that they slept him to death just for using him...

"What's going on? You just reacted as if you were hiding something." The woman scrutinized her and smirked. "Do you hide males too?"

"No!" Teresa stepped back. "Enough. Things have to be this way. If we let them free, they create chaos. I can't believe you trust them."

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