Chapter 16: Restlessness

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Teresa returned from her party early. She had wanted it that way. Upon starting, everyone was photographed, and even the newscast was there since they followed each party. All women wanted to be recognized, and the women talked about the most popular, the best arranged, the best makeup, etc. Things that Teresa didn't care about.

Teresa didn't overlook that dancing with her friend seemed strange, even though it was something familiar to her before. The girl was surprised to realize that she accidentally got used to the firm touch of Adrian's gentle movements when she danced with him. That was why it didn't hurt to see how Kariba abandoned her for her sudden new friendship with Paula.

She entered in silence, the room was not completely lit, and a very soft and slow song played. A woman sang with melancholy in her voice. She sang to a man and to love. So, in those times, did women sing to men...?

'I don't know what I'll do if tomorrow is without you...

Where will you go without me?... I don't know.'

That made the girl think of him and her mother's words. The music continued to accompany Teresa with the feeling that had suddenly infected her. She approached the sofa bed and saw the young man asleep on his stomach. She smiled. The blanket showed his bare shoulders, indicating he was shirtless. Why did he like to sleep like that?

'Take care of me, and I will love you, darling...'

In a way, she envied his freedom since he had nothing there, and although many women did topless as if nothing, many others didn't follow that out of simple habit or perhaps shame.

'Love me very much so as not to forget you

Always love me, that I will love you.'

The girl sighed because of the lyrics. She couldn't be falling in love with him. He was a man. It couldn't be. She liked him, but that was it. Teresa liked many things, although she was aware that Adrian was the top one on that list. Another phrase brought her out of her thoughts.

'Kiss me all, that I will smile.'

So, did men give kisses? Teresa remembered the kiss he gave her, and her stomach suffered an attack of butterflies. She wanted that kiss to be prolonged and not on her cheek. The girl shook her head and leaned over to get a better look at him, but after a pull, everything spun and ended up under him after letting out a cry of surprise.

"Spying, freckled?"

"Of course not," she complained, laughing silently, aware of the proximity of that flirtatious and mischievous smile. "You were supposed to be sleeping," she added, wanting to push him away while simultaneously taking advantage of touching his bare chest.

They looked eye to eye as she ran her hands over his skin. Suddenly Teresa felt him hers, ready for whatever she wanted to do, for a short and eternal second.

'I'm not going to stare at you just like that...

You will not leave without me.

And I want to live with you...'

Adrian was supporting his weight on his forearms since the weight she felt when they rolled had been greater. He was a warmly welcomed prison at the time.

"Sleep," he whispered. "It's not easy." He got away and dropped to her side. "I can't."

"Something happened?"

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