chapter three

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I ended up heading home once I helped Theo get the cookies out of the oven. There was no need for me to stay seeing as Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn were there to look after them. I was kind of surprised to see Zayn with the boys. I didn't expect him to spend this time with them seeing as he'd left the band. It didn't bother me in the slightest though and I'm sure Niall, Louis, Harry and Liam were happy about it. I'd told them to tell Greg that I'd left and made sure they saved him some cookies. Although I don't know if they had seeing as they'd all been scoffing them down their mouths.

I got home as quickly as I could. I didn't know whether anyone would still be up to putting up the Christmas tree, but it was only 8:00 so it wasn't too late.

As soon as I opened the door to the apartment Molly came rushing towards me from her room. 

"EMILY! EMILY! EMILY!" She screamed as she pulled me in a hug, nearly causing me to fall backwards.

"We did it!" She squealed as she grabbed my shoulders and shook them around. I grabbed her hands to steady myself.

"Did what exactly?" I chuckled as she continued to grin madly.

"We have enough money to start our business! I just got my pay for the month and you got yours yesterday. So I looked in the account and we've met the amount we need" She exploded. I looked at her for a good 10 seconds as my brain tried to catch up with what she said. I couldn't get any words out and so I just screamed. Molly started screaming with me as I pulled her into a tight squeeze.

"Emily! Molly! What happened?!" Gabe came rushing out of his room with Brooke following closely behind.

"WE CAN FINALLY START OUR BUSINESS!" I squealed as loud as I could. Gabe and Brooke both physically relaxed and Brooke's hand left her chest. They both came over and embraced us other in a group hug.

"Who wants to set the Christmas tree up?" Brooke asked excitedly. We all pulled away and I was unable to wipe the grin off my face.

"Me!" We all said at the same time, causing us to all erupt into a fit of laughter.

. . .

Molly, Brooke, Gabe and I had managed to set up the Christmas tree last night. It looked as stunning as always and increased my Christmas spirit. We had also hung up some tinsel and small bells from the roof. Brook had done a magnificent job on putting up a wreath on the door.

"Why is this so complicated!" Molly groaned. We were sitting on my bed in my room, working out everything we'd need to do for our business. Molly was going through the many utensils and equipment that we needed to buy. As well as the lot of ingredients that we would need to order in. I was working out prices for the food we were going to sell. We'd been planning this for ages and had already worked out a fair amount of food we were going to sell. We'd decided a long time ago that we wanted our business to consist of sweet foods and drinks.

"Just keep going. Once we get this stuff done we'll actually be able to get going on opening up the business" I said. Molly lifted her head from the book it was resting on and looked at me excitedly.

"I'm so happy we're-" Molly started but was interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I lent over to my side table and answered.

"Hello" I said. As soon as I'd picked up I heard crying in the background.

"Emily! I've been called back into work again. Can you come over and babysit" Greg said. I looked over at Molly who had obviously heard the question. She began shaking her head and pointing to the notebook and laptop, signalling that we were busy.

"Aren't the boys home?" I asked, trying my best not to sound like I was busy.

"Yes but Theo's screaming and crying for you. He won't even let Niall play with him. I think Harry and Louis upset him somehow" Greg sighed. Molly's eyes lit up at the mention of Harry, Louis and Niall, obviously able to put two and two together. I hadn't told anyone about my encounter with the boys because I knew they would over react. Especially Brooke seeing as she's their biggest fan. Molly mouthed 'One Direction' and I nodded my head in response. She began gesturing for me to say yes to going and I knew she'd want to come with. I shook my head at her and she shot up from her spot, trying to reach for the phone.

"Emily? Emily?" I heard Greg say as I held the phone out of Molly's reach as she practically climbed to reach it.

"I guess I could make it work. Is there any way I can bring Molly with me. We're working on starting our business" I asked resulting in a dancing Molly.

"Yeah sure, just please hurry. Theo looks like he's about to kill Harry" Greg pleaded. Molly began packing up her notebook and laptop and left the room quickly.

"In that case, I'll take my time" I joked before saying goodbye. Molly came back in with a small backpack in hand, her things inside. I placed my notebook, pencil case and laptop inside with hers.

"Em?! I can't believe you didn't tell me you met One Direction" Molly gasped as she zipped the bag up. "They literally have the best music" She added. I let out a chuckle before grabbing a hoodie and slipping it on over my shirt. Molly didn't even bother changing what she was wearing. She did care about how she looked, but like me, she rarely bothered dressing to impress. She preferred people to like her for her personality, not her body.

I'm freaking out. One Direction posted on Instagram for the first time in 4 years! AND they tweeted for the first time in two years! AND they made a playlist with a lot of there songs! AND there was a little video to go with 'WMYB'! AND they released a 'Take Me Home (extended edition)' album! AND they released acoustic, live, rarities and remixes on spotify! SO YEAH I'M FREAKING OUT!

Also, this was just a filler chapter and I'll be putting up another tomorrow :)

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