8. The Untamed Parts

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Sage blinked. What had he just said?

"Let me go," her voice wasn't breathy anymore – it was cold. Ares' eyes brightened with interest. She didn't don armour when she fought her battles, but she armoured her voice instead. She filled it with ice. "Let me go, or I'll scream."

"Scream?" He barked a laugh – was that supposed to frighten him? Sage's gaze narrowed.

"I'll scream and people will come running."

"Are these 'people' supposed to frighten me?"

"What I'll tell them might frighten you, Space man."

"What part of 'I'm here to protect you' was too hard for you to understand?"

"You missed out what you're supposedly protecting me from."

"My family."

Sage foundered at that. She hadn't expected him to answer. She stared up at him, hating how small she felt with him towering over her.

"What are you?"

Her heart trembled. She'd finally asked the question – finally admitted out loud that he wasn't human. 

She clenched her hand around her bag of recycling. If he laughed, if he had a completely legitimate reason for having gold blood – that would be a relief.

"I'm war."



Ares leant down close, his lips almost brushing against her skin.

"The untamed parts." His voice was soft, its sinister edge making her tremble. "The bloodshed, the violence – the sheer brutality. I'm all of that."

Sage shook her head. That didn't make any sense...

"So, little mortal," he continued – his gaze menacing. "Never attempt to threaten me again."


Sage eyed Ares dubiously. They were sat on plastic chairs on Castle Hill, the best place for food. People bustled around them – eating, chatting, shouting and drinking. Occasionally motorbikes tried to get by, having to weave and slow between the clusters of people. Ares clinked his beer against hers.

"To the beginning of a profitable relationship." He toasted.

Sage drank her beer – less because of the toast and more because she needed a drink.

"Let me get this straight," she rubbed her aching head. "You think that I can help you get home."

He nodded. "Home being?"

He pointed skywards. Sage drank more beer. 

Their food arrived – steaming hot.

"That was fast," Sage commented, bemused. Ares tore of a piece of bread and dipped it into the cauldron of sauce – closing his eyes appreciatively at the taste.

"One of the perks of eating with me – you get to enjoy great service." He winked at her. Sage ate her chicken thoughtfully. She looked around – but the street was so crowded and noisy that nobody seemed to be paying them any attention.

The War God's Womanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें