19. Obsession

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Ares blinked.

"Say that again." He held his breath, barely daring to hope.

"You," Sage repeated, her voice a little hesitant and hazy. "Ares. I... I think I'm in love with you."

Ares laughed, then became serious, stroked her face and then laughed again – overwhelmed by a barrage of emotions.

Sage had been struck with obsession and was obsessed with him.

"What are you? Get away from her." Ezekiel had almost reached them. Ares ignored the human, no longer bothered by him. Ares rose up into the air, righted their position – keeping Sage safely nestled in his arms. "What are you!?" Ezekiel demanded.

He remained on his knees. Rain soaked his clothes and ran in rivulets down his tattooed face. "You're some kind of alien. A monster. You're not human."

"I'm a god." Ares sneered, amused by Ezekiel's expression. The Mad Dog attempted to stand but Ares put a foot on Ezekiel's shoulder – keeping him down. "You can stay kneeling."

"Ares," Sage interceded, her voice still breathier than usual. "He knows everything."

Ares shrugged. He didn't care. It wasn't as if one human's ramblings would convince the world, and if they did, well.... He'd be worshipped once more. Humans could rebuild his temples. Ares sighed sadly. Probably, the Olympian's would prevent that. They wanted humans to forget gods and goddess.

The fates could deal with Ezekiel if they wanted to ensure his silence. Ares would leave it in their hands. He turned his back on Ezekiel, leaving him to kneel in the rain, and carried Sage through the downpour. 

"But he knows."

"Good. Now he'll know to stay away from you."

Ares used one of his shields to protect Sage from the rain. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Sage admitted. 

Ares had noticed that she was struggling to keep her eyes open. He rested his chin on her head, encouraging her to nestle against him.  "Try to stay awake." He suggested, though without full conviction. He'd seen the effects of obsession but he'd never seen the initial casting off it before – he wasn't sure if Sage's sleepiness was normal or not.

            Ares took Sage to Jaz's café, not needing to bang on the locked doors but instead marching easily past them.

"Jaz!" He hollered; in case the guy was asleep. Jaz emerged, still dressed, and smiled brightly at them both. "I need you to take a look at her."

Ares settled Sage down in one of the booths, where she lolled back sleepily.

"Is she drunk?"

"Aphrodite struck her with obsession."

"Shhh," Sage interceded, putting her finger to her lips. "He's not supposed to know," she slurred.

"Jaz knows about me. It's fine. He's an immortal too."

"I never told you that." Jaz commented, whilst examining Sage's eyes.

"No, I figured that out on my own."

Jaz didn't confirm or contradict him, instead he rolled up his sleeves.

"I'll make her some tea. A special brew."

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