16. Baby Brother

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"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Flick Knife Boy whimpered. Ezekiel growled angrily, his fist slamming once more into the lad's face. There was a crunch of cartilage and blood spurted out, fat droplets dripping from the Mad Dog's knuckles. 

The nose was definitely broken. Flick Knife Boy staggered back and it was his friends who kept him standing. Ezekiel had brought them all back to the gang's HQ – so that he could punish them away from curious eyes. 

"We just wanted to collect the protection fees!" One of the lad's protested, his friend's blood speckles across his face like freckles. 

Ezekiel's expression was unsympathetic. 

"That shop is off limits."  

"Yes boss!"

"We'll never go there again!"

Ezekiel grunted and pulled back, allowing Flick Knife Boy and his friends to run away. He wiped his hands on his jeans, the blood blending into the dark material.

Catching the very end of this encounter was Skelrun. He didn't alert Ezekiel to his presence, instead he silently watched the Mad Dog roll down his sleeves. Skelrun pursed his thin lips. 'Yes Boss' – that was what he'd heard and what had grabbed his attention. Because there could only be one boss. 

And that was supposed to be Skelrun.


"Would you stop staring at me. It's like you're trying to burn a hole into the back of my head." Sage hissed as she passed Ares' table.

"How long have you known him?"

Sage sighed – frustrated. All afternoon Ares had been pestering her with questions. 'How close was she to Ezekiel?' 'What did she think of him?'

"Enough, no more questions." But she read Ares' troubled expression and knew that this wasn't the end. "Why can't you let it go?"

"The love arrow was intended to make you fall in love with him."

"But I didn't get hit by it." Sage pointed out. She moved to clear the next table and Ares' possessive gaze followed her.

There was something between those two mortals, he was sure of it. Ares' golden eyes flashed dangerously. As Sage walked past, he caught her wrist to stop her.

"I won't share you, Sage." He warned.

"You shared Aphrodite with your brother," Sage muttered sullenly. She hadn't said it loudly, but Ares heard her. He released her - his expression startled. 

Sage didn't wait to see if he was mad at her – she fled to the kitchen.

"Sage?" Cesar questioned, seeing her dramatic entrance into the cafe's cramped preparation area. Sage clamped a hand over her mouth. "Is there another moth?"

Sage hit her lips, not hearing Cesar's question. 

Usually she was so good at keeping her temper, at acting sweet.... Why did Ares get under her skin?


'You shared Aphrodite with your brother.'

Ares left the café. The wind ruffled his tawny hair as he flew up into the sprawling blue sky. The sun caught in his hair, making the tips shine gold. He was a vision of beauty – a handsome god – far more powerful than any of the mortals passing obliviously below him. Ares soared high, the world beneath him. The ground couldn't anchor him. 

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