Chapter One: The fox

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Heatwave's POV:

Another day in Griffin Rock. Nothing special. Just normal rescues yet nothing exciting. Since we defeated Dr Morocco over a year ago, everything returned to normal and, to be honest, it was getting really boring. No new orders from Optimus, not one rescue we haven't done over a million times by now and I just feel like there's no excitement anymore. Chief Burns suddenly got a call on the emergency line. I'm going to guess it's Mrs Neederlander's cat, Mr Pettypaws, getting stuck in a tree again.

"Team, we have a thief on our hands," Chief told us.

"What did they steal?" Graham, Boulder's human partner, asked his dad.

"Two chickens and they destroyed the wheat field."

"Why would anyone want to steal a chicken or destroy a wheat field?" Cody, the youngest of the Burns family, asked.

"That is the mystery," Chief told him, "they're strange items to steal or destroy. But, we'll have to find out who's responsible. Chase, you'll come with me. Everyone else, stay here."

Now that's strange. Why two chickens and a wheat field? Why would a human steal two chickens? Or destroy a wheat field for that matter. This has now spiked my interest. I asked Cody what humans use wheat for. He told me it was for food like bread, chapattis and naan bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, crackers, crumpets, scones, pancakes, wafers, cakes, pizza, pasta, pastries and Yorkshire puddings the list no doubt goes on.

I asked the same about chickens. They only to eat, lay eggs and make more chickens. The only thing I see is more important is the wheat field. It does more than the chicken. It wasn't long before Chase and Chief Burns returned and told us that it was definitely a human who did it because there were human footprints at the crime scene. So this human isn't very stealthy. But they must've had a reason behind doing this. Humans are still odd to me.

Later that night, while the Burns were asleep and the rest of my team were up either reading, watch TV or painting, I heard something outside and so did the rest of the bots. It sounded like a scream but it sounded weird.

"What was that?" Blades asked.

"It sounded like a human," Chase said.

"Foxes could sometimes be mistaken for a human," Bolder told him, "their bark can sound like a human screaming."

"Well, whatever it is, it's not there anymore," I told them.

The next morning, we got another complaint from the farmer who called yesterday saying the wheat field was destroyed but, thankfully, none of the chickens were gone because he had a bear trap set to either catch the thief or scare them off. It didn't catch who was responsible but I definitely scared them away. That might've been the scream we heard last night. They seem to go to the farm at night.

Chief told Chase that they'd have to be on watch tonight to try to catch this thief. I offered to join them because this human interested me. He was hesitant but told me I could come to. After hours of just waiting and watching in the dark, it seemed like they weren't coming again. That was until we heard a rustling in the wheat field.

From the slight light coming from the moon, I saw a silhouette of a head pop up in the wheat field. It was an animal. Their ears where up on the top of their head like an animal would. Chase turned his lights on and the animal hid in the field. I caught a glimpse of white and orange before they disappeared. Chief got out of Chase to confront this animal but it scurried off fast. Probably faster than we can run.

Well, this was a night wasted. When we got back, I did a bit of research on animals. The only thing that came up that looked a bit like what I saw was a fox. So this whole time, we've been dealing with a fox. Chief told the farmer what it was after I told him and the farmer said he would sort out the problem that would not harm it. And it worked. No more calls about the fox since.

(A/N: See you next chapter)

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