Chapter Eleven: Decepticons

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Heatwave's POV:

It's been months since (Y/N) escaped from Quarry and things, I think, have gotten better. We persuaded her to get captured by him again and we found the island and caught him. Now that we knew her last name, we found her parents but she didn't want to see them because she can hardly remember them. By her words, meeting her parents with no memory of them would be like meeting a stranger.

Chief Burns got in contact with her parents and told them everything, including how she feels about meeting them. They were upset about this and we never heard from them again. Chief told her what happened but she honestly didn't care. My love for my little fox has not changed but I can't tell her because I'm scared that this wouldn't work. We're different species, how would it work?

It wouldn't. That's the problem. Optimus has come to visit to see how we're doing and he hasn't met (Y/N) yet. She was down in the bunker having a nap on the couch after the movie she watched with Blades. We've never told Optimus about (Y/N), not even after the bear attack and I stayed off rescues for weeks. I hate to keep secrets from Optimus but I felt like I had to.

Speaking of, Optimus asked about my 'important thing' and I told him it burned in the fire years ago. What a lie. The important thing is in the bunker, napping. While he was occupied, I went down and woke her to tell her to hide in her room so he didn't see her. She reluctantly did and, at a guess, when back to sleep.

Everyone went about there day like it was a normal day. I just trained on the dummy I had to pass the time. I wanted to visit (Y/N) in her room but I didn't want Optimus to become suspicious of my behaviour. We were called for a few missions and Optimus watched from the command centre. Unfortunately, (Y/N) came out of her room and Optimus saw her.

"Sir, I can explain," I said.

"Who is this, Heatwave?" He asked.

"My name is (Y/N). I'm a fox," she told him.

Optimus raised a brow, "a fox?"

"Half fox," we said in sync.

"She was the reason why I neglected my rescues for a while. I tamed her and I had to take care of her because I was responsible for her."

"Technically, you still are," (Y/N) said.

"And you kept her a secret from me and your whole team?" Optimus asked.

"The secret came out when I saved her from a forest fire," I told him.

We talked more about her when we got a call about an emergency out of town and the called specifically asked for me and me alone. That's weird. I went to the location only to get ambushed by other bots. I was knocked out but, when I woke up, I was inside a sub-sonic field. The bots were like various Earth animals but one I quickly recognized as an Earth wolf. Unfortunately, I didn't recognize the bot himself.

"Aye, Chief. The prisoner's awake," a bot with antlers told the wolf.

"Ah. Nice of you to join us, brother," he said.

"I am not your brother, what do you want with me?" I asked.

"We have heard reports that there is a human fox on this island and I think they would be a great ally to the Decepticon cause. Now, if you will tell us where this human is, I will let you go and we will forget this ever happened."

"As long as Energon flows through me, you will not lay a finger on her."

"Oh, so it's a female? And you know her. This should be fun."

"What's your definition of fun?"

"You Autobots are so protective of these pathetic humans and no doubt your team will do everything in their power to keep her from me."

He walked away to discuss a plan with the rest of his team so I took this opportunity to call the others only to be greeted by this almost deafening sound.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. It's not the greatest sound for the audio receptors," the wolf said with a smirk, "now, time to find out where you're hiding her."

One of his team members brought out a device I unfortunately recognized. A Cortical Psychic Patch. Now I was scared. I've heard stories of it going wrong and it could fry a Neural Net.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Heatwave as been gone for hours and it's worrying me. No one has heard from him and they can't find his signal since he went to the emergency. I begged Optimus if we could go out to find him hours before but he just told me Heatwave was probably delayed and he'd be back soon. That soon was ages ago now. I begged again and he finally said they'd go to find him. I asked to come too but Optimus said no.

I managed to convince him to take me with him though. We went to where Heatwave was supposed to be but he wasn't there and it looked like this place hasn't been touched in years. I searched around to see if I could find anything to help me find him. I was losing hope when I saw tracks. Fresh tracks. But they weren't Heatwave's tracks, they were someone else's. There were a lot of them. I followed them to a cave where I heard distance voices.

I went in to hear a little better. My ears are good and I can hear a mouse squeak from 100 ft. away but these voices are further in so I can hear them. I got further in and I heard the voices better. They were either just horrible people or they were annoyed. I couldn't tell. I got closer until I saw them. They were robots except... they looked like animals. A wolf one was sitting on the floor sleeping but he was connected to a cable.

I followed it to... Heatwave! What's happening to him?! What are they doing to him?! I had to do something. I snuck around the arguing robots and went behind Heatwave to see the cable was on the back of his head. I climbed up and started pulling on the cable to try to get it off him. It eventually detached with a loud hiss.

The others noticed me and I started running around, avoiding them trying to catch me. One of them took the cable off the wolf and he woke up and instantly noticed me running around. I had to abandon Heatwave and run out the cave towards the other bots. I hid and they all started to fight. Perfect opportunity to go back for Heatwave. I found him in the same sitting up position. He hadn't moved an inch.

"Heatwave? Heatwave, can you hear me?" No answer, "Heatwave! Heatwave, wake up please!"

I climbed up on him causing him to fall over on his back but he still didn't respond to my begging and calls. I gave up and broke down crying. I started pouring out my feelings to his lifeless frame knowing he'd never hear me. The bots found me crying on Heatwave and heard what I was saying to him. Charlie managed to take me away from Heatwave and we went back to the firehouse. Optimus had a medic over to check on Heatwave and finally, I got to see him. He was awake!

"Heatwave! Oh, thank goodness you're alright."

"Do I know you?"

(A/N: I'm mean! I know! See you next chapter)

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