Chapter Eight: Is that you?

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I haven't left (Y/N)'s room for Primus knows how long. I know I'm not doing as I'm told but this is difficult to handle. (Y/N) is the best human I've ever met and now she's gone. I'd give or do anything to have her back.

Narrator's POV:

Heatwave won't have to do or give anything. Everyone has already noticed his behaviour again and they got in touch with Doc Green again and asked if there was a way to bring her back. Doc had a theory that might work but he wasn't sure yet. With his wife and children's help, they did the maths and everything added up for good results.

They wanted to make sure that she was still a fox but she had a human life cycle. They managed to get (Y/N) from the hospital and took her to the lab for their experiment. (Y/N) was attached to multiple machines and an IV was in her arm ready for her new blood. Doing everything they could, they finally did the final experiment to bring her back.

Once it was over, (Y/N) gave no response. She was still dead. There was nothing they could do now. Just as they were packing the equipment away, (Y/N) jerked to life with a gasp. She sat up with a wince since her wounds were still fresh from the bear fight. Doc told her to lay down and catch her breath.

"What... what happened?" She asked.

"You died a few days ago in Heatwave's arms," Doc told her.

"I remember that... where is he now?"

"According to Chief Burns, he hasn't left your room since that day."

"He's getting a scolding when I get off this bed."

They all laughed at her statement. For weeks, she stayed in bed healing in the hospital and she did a lot of chemotherapy to get her back on her feet. It would've gone faster if she wasn't dead for a few days. No one told Heatwave what had happened mostly because he would talk to anyone. Once she was finally out of the hospital, she returned to the firehouse where everyone hugged her a welcome back. They were sure to be careful since she was still healing. Heatwave wasn't there with them though. He finally got out of the firehouse and went into the forest for a stroll to hopefully take his mind off things. They told her he was out there and she went out there after getting dressed in her hoodie dress. She wanted to surprise him.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I went to the forest as fast as I could but my movements were restricted because of the stitches on my body but I had to see Heatwave. From what everyone was telling me about his behaviour, he needs to see me right now. I found him on the fallen down tree where he first tamed me. I had to find a way to get his attention in a way he'll know it's me.

I hid behind a tree and sang something small, 'in springtime, the only pretty ring time birds sing, hey ding.'

I stopped. I peeked to see him look around confused. I took a nearby stick and snapped it to catch his attention. I ran the best I could hoping he would follow me. I couldn't try moving any longer so I stopped behind a tree. I knew full well doing this was stupid but I wanted him to see me in another part of the forest. There's a clearing I know where he can easily transform because I'm assuming he'll use his holoform to hug me. I caught my breath and had a look to see Heatwave wandering about confused.

'A-ding, a-ding sweet lovers love,' I sang before running some more.

I finally got to the clearing and waited. I kept watching him but he wasn't getting the hint. One last try.

'The spring-'

I cut myself off when he whipped his head in my direction. I smiled at him while he looked at me gobsmacked. I could tell he couldn't believe that I'm actually standing in front of him. He transformed into his vehicle mode and activates his holoform and cautiously approached me. I stayed still as he came closer and closer and closer. Finally, he was right in front of me just staring. He put a hand on my cheek probably checking if I was real.

"(Y/N)? You're... you're alive?" He asked.

"As alive as anyone can be," I replied.

Heatwave smiled and hugged me tightly. I told him to not hug too tight because of my injuries so he loosened his grip but didn't stop hugging me. I hugged back. He couldn't let go but he had to look at me again. He was completely baffled.

"I missed you... so much," he finally said.

"Well, considering that you've ignored my request, I could tell."

"How did you...?"

"Everyone told me when I woke up. If that's how you wish to describe it."

"Do... do you know how long you'll be alive for now?"

"I have a human life now. I'll be with you for a long time now."

We eventually went back to the firehouse and everything is now back to normal. Heatwave has offered to take care of me while I heal, mostly when it comes to changing my bandages and clean the stitches on my back. I think he's taking his responsibilities of me a bit too seriously now. What's up with him?

(A/N: that's all I've GOOOT! See you next chapter)

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