Chapter 2: Cruel Boss

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Chapter 2: Cruel Boss

Alena Fleur

I finally got some free time after attending three meetings at a stretch.

First the meeting with Mr. Drake, the second meeting with other executives to compile this month's budget, and the last and the longest one with the technical department to assess what improvements could be brought to our weapons.

I was exhausted and ready to slump on my bed and sleep for hours without any disturbance. But I wish!

My stupid boss gave me overtime for dozing off at work.

I didn't get why, though. I finished all the work, and yet, he punished me. Maybe he was a sadist who enjoyed other people's suffering. That must be it. That cruel devil!

No matter how much I curse him internally, I had to suck it up and obey his orders. I decided to complete some of my work for tomorrow in advance so that I could take it easy tomorrow.

However, after two hours, when the office building was entirely empty, I started dozing off again. I jerked my head and sat upright. What if Elian caught me again and gave me overtime for the entire month? God, no, that's a nightmare!

I stood up and went to my coffee machine, but then I had a thought. This morning, Elian offered me coffee. It was a nice gesture. It was only fair if I did the same.

I knew he was still in the office as he said he would drop me home. Oh, I also needed to tell him that I didn't need a ride home. He must have forgotten that I got my company car after the promotion, so I would be able to drive home on my own.

I prepared two cups of coffee and made my way to the floor above mine. I knocked on his door and waited till he told me to come in.

"Hello, Mr. Storm," I greeted, and Elian glanced up from his laptop.

"Hello, Ms. Fleur. How can I help?" he asked, folding his hands on the table.

I raised up the cups and suggested, "How about a break? I'm sure you're also pretty tired from working at a stretch for hours."

"You can just leave the cup here." He motioned to his desk.

I grinned mischievously and placed both cups on the coffee table. I made myself comfortable on the couch where I had sat in the morning.

Elian stared at me, and I stared back, neither of us willing to look away at first, but eventually, he gave up and sighed. He closed his laptop and walked up to me. This time, he didn't sit on the single couch, but rather beside me.

I picked up my cup and took a sip. "Do you usually work so late, Mr. Storm?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Sometimes," he answered curtly.

I nodded. "By the way, you don't need to drop me tonight."

He arched an eyebrow and said, "What, you don't want me to know your address?"

I chuckled and said, "If you wanted to know, you could just ask someone from HR to look it up."

"Then, do you prefer to go home alone so late at night when the streets are full of bad people?"

"Whose fault is it that I'm working so late?" I taunted, but he didn't bother replying and just sipped his coffee. I sighed and explained, "If you haven't forgotten, the company gave me my own car after my promotion, so I can just drive home on my own."

"I haven't forgotten, Ms. Fleur. I still think it's not safe. Because unfortunately, our state is very lacking in safety for women," he reasoned.

"Even if it's not safe, why do you care?" I asked, looking him straight in the eye.

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