Chapter 11: Fugitives

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Chapter 11: Fugitives

Alena Fleur

"Pack your essentials," Elian said urgently after he finished a few important calls.

"What?" I put down my fork and brownie plate and stood up in utter shock. "Why would I do that?"

"I don't have time to explain, Alena. We need to run away." This was the most panicked I had ever seen him.

"Run away? Where? Why? I don't get any of it."

He grabbed my shoulders and said, "Alena, just listen to me, okay? We have no other option except running, so just go and pack your essentials in five minutes."

"I don't know what happened. But doesn't running away mean we are guilty?" I tried reasoning.

"Yes, but they won't give us any chance to explain. The orders are to shoot at sight. You and me."

My heart clenched at what he said. "What?" I asked, staggered. "That's not possible. I never did anything to deserve an order like that. Surely, the cops aren't that bad—"

"They are. You just don't know because you have never had to face them like that. I'll explain everything to you later. Just know that the situation is bad, like really bad, and we have to run away," he ordered.

I understood a part of what he was saying, but I was still too shocked.

"Alena?" he called out, and I looked up at him dumbly. "Get a move on, will you? Start packing your things."

I tried to open my mouth to reply, but he was already striding towards my bedroom.

"You know what? If you want to stay there standing like a statue, be my guest. I'll pack your things. You just be ready to get the hell out of here when I say the word," he informed me, and that's when I came back to reality.

"What? You can't just barge into my bedroom without permission!" I hollered after him as he entered my bedroom.

"Alena, this is a crisis. Who cares about courtesy?" he exclaimed and opened my closet. He took out one of my travel bags from the lowest shelf and placed it on my bed.

"Just how the fuck do you know where I keep my travel bag there?" I exclaimed.

"Will you stop sweating the small details, Alena?" he asked, exasperated.

"Why do you keep calling me by my first name?"

"Like I said just now, don't sweat the small details."

I just gaped in disbelief as he started packing my bag, putting in everything that I might need, like some of my clothes, comfortable shorts without which I couldn't sleep, medicines—

Just then, the calling bell rang up, and my heart almost leaped out of my chest.

"Shit, they are here," Elian let out.

"Who are here?" I asked in fear.

"The cops."

God, what did an innocent sweet person like me ever do to deserve this?

Okay, not the time to freak out. Be calm, Alena.

"So what do we do now?" I asked, trying to regain my composure.

Elian took out his gun, and my eyes widened.

I immediately ran to him and made him lower his gun. "No, you won't kill them."

"I have to. If I don't, they will kill us," he reasoned.

"I'm sure they will listen if we just surrender quietly—"

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