Chapter 29

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It was lunchtime of the following day. Ben was sat at our table, ready to bring our plan into action. We had purposely selected a table close to where Ethan's soccer friends were sitting, knowing that's where he'd head for. 

Now, we were patiently waiting for him to come into the cafeteria so we could start our performance. I know what I was doing was incredibly wrong, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I needed him to talk to me again even if it was just to yell at me. 

"This is going to be hilarious," May snorted from across the table. She rubbed her hands together in excitement and popped open her crisps as though she was about to watch a movie. 

When I had told May about my plan after class, she had all but ran to the table, saying something about how she wanted to get a 'front-row seat to the drama'. There was a good chance Ethan would walk past, see us, and not give a shit. May, was probably getting herself all worked up for nothing.

 "Ben, honey, you do realize Ethan's going to kill you, right?" Chloe remarked bluntly. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm aware of what I'm getting myself into.." Ben sighed.

 I looked down at my watch impatiently. "Ugh, where the hell is-"

The words stuck to my throat, as I saw Ethan burst through the cafeteria doors, "Oh, shit, he's coming," I hissed in a panic.

Quickly, I leaped off my chair, threw myself into Ben's lap, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Nervous, I tapped my finger against my wrist as I waited for Ethan to buy his lunch from the line. This whole thing was never-wracking. What if he saw through the act?

 When he was finally done, he started to head our way with his lunch tray in hand. Once he was close enough, I started. 

I put a hand over my mouth and started to hysterically giggle, making it seem as though Ben had just said something funny. I playfully hit his chest. 

"You're so naughty Ben, you can't say that," I cried. 

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Ethan glance our way and then stop. His tray slipped from his grasp and hit the floor with a loud clatter. 

"What the fuck!" Ethan yelled. His voice reverberated around the entire cafeteria, causing everyone's chatter to diminish to a deafening silence. I could feel many of eyes burning into my back, whispering things that I couldn't make out. 

"Time for the big finale," Ben whispered. 

Then with that final word, Ben sunk his head into my neck and moved his head in such a way that it looked like he was kissing me. His lips weren't even touching me, but I'm pretty sure it didn't look like that from where Ethan was standing.

Suddenly, a hand snatched at my wrist and hurled me to my feet. The moment, I was off his lap, Ethan grabbed a fist-full of Ben's shirt, swung his fist back, and punched him square in the face. The sound made a repulsive crunch which made my stomach turn. 

I watched in horror, as Ben's head threw back from the impact. He groaned and clutched his nose as blood poured out.

 "Ethan, stop!" I yelled. He was supposed to be getting mad at me, not Ben. 

Ethan's jaw ticked in annoyance, and he didn't even spare me a glance like he couldn't even bear to look at me. 

He eyed Ben up and down in disgust. "Sorry, are you just stupid or something, or was I just not clear? Ethan laughed "Because if I wasn't, let me make it clear," he said as he leaned in closer, to Ben's bleeding face. "Keep your hands to your fucking self," Ethan hissed in between gritted teeth.

Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward SituationsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora