3)Only Doing it Once

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"Aww, Lex, don't be like that

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"Aww, Lex, don't be like that." Jace's smile grows, making his sharp sculpted features even better looking.

So, I lied. He does look good. He's lost most of his boyish looks, now manlier than the last time I saw him at sixteen-years-old. His jawline is sharp in the most tempting way, with full bow shaped lips and sculpted cheekbones. Topping it all off are those eyes staring back at me, dark blue like the ocean reflecting the night sky and so intense as they hold my gaze.

Why, damnit? Why couldn't he be one of those cute kids who's looks faded away once they hit puberty? Can't there be some natural justice to the world?

No. Instead guys who look as good as Jace only get better looking over time. It's not fair.

"Don't be like what?" I shrug, feigning innocence. "An irritated ex-girlfriend?"

His face falls a fraction, that confidence wavering a little. The look in his eyes is that of someone desperately trying to think of the right words.

Aww, Jace. Not so cocky now?

Before he can say anything else, the closet door opens behind me. Oblivious to the tension, Derek bends down to plant a kiss on my cheek and whispers in my ear, "think about that offer. I'm dying to see you later."

I know his words are low enough that my friends didn't hear, but Jace did. His narrowed eyes and clenched fists are all the proof I need.

Turning to face Derek, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down so I can slowly take his lips with mine. A groan escapes his mouth as I slip my tongue past his lips and tangle it with his. Taking this opportunity, Derek runs his hands down my back until he can grab my ass with both hands. He squeezes and I giggle, breaking the kiss while tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth.

Derek's eyes glaze over as a lazy smile slides across his face. "Been a while since you've done that."

I hate that he's right. I'm not a prude or even reserved, normally, but lately things have just lost their excitement.

Maybe that's my fault?

With a hopeful smile, Derek gives me one last peck on the lips before he turns around and notices our very unhappy audience.

Jace stands in front of us, jaw ticking like a time bomb as he watches our every move.

Derek's eyes narrow at me with so many questions in that one look. I try to give him a reassuring smile, but despite the nod he gives me before walking away, I'm not entirely sure it worked. Before he turns the corner at the end of the hall, he looks back and stops in his tracks. The indecisive look on his face makes my heart race.

Please, just go. This doesn't need to be a thing.

If we were together, I know he wouldn't have left, but he knows how I feel. Acting like a possessive boyfriend right now would just make things so much worse.

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