20)Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts

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After two hours of none stop baking, I finally feel as close to normal as I'm going to get

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After two hours of none stop baking, I finally feel as close to normal as I'm going to get. There's no room left on the counters for me to keep going, already covered with trays of cookies, cupcakes, and muffins. Warm sweet scents fill the house making it smell like a bakery. It should be calming to me. I should feel much better by now, but I don't.

I can still feel Jace's hands on my skin, his lips moving against mine. Just the slightest thought of what happened tonight makes my heart race. I'm gonna have a heart attack. My headstone will read, "Here lies Alexis Young. Beloved daughter and friend. Killed by a kiss, and just shy of her eighteenth birthday. How sad."

Okay, maybe not those words exactly, but pretty damn close. At the very least, it would be honest.

Throwing my dirty mixing bowls in the sink, I'm caught off guard by my phone ringing on the kitchen table. I'm positive it's Cassie. She didn't look too happy with her friend when I left. If she had to pick between sharing a cab with her or calling me, I have a good feeling what she'd choose.

Padding over barefoot, I grab my phone and nearly choke.


My heart skips a beat as I try not to swallow my tongue.

You can do this. Just answer.

My shaking finger hovers over the screen, fighting to just press the damn button when the ringing dies completely. A sigh of relief escapes me in a rush. I place the phone back down, step away, and...it starts ringing again.


I snatch the phone and answer before I can overthink it. "Hello?"

"Lexi, we need your help."

"Kade?" I'm already heading towards the hall where I left my shoes.

"Yeah. Sorry, I had to use Jace's phone. I don't have your number and the jackass is too drunk to give it to me." In the distance, I hear a mumble of voices before it sounds like Kade's pulled away from the speaker to tell someone to "shut the fuck up!"

"What do you mean he's too drunk? What the hell's going on? Are you guys still at the party?"

"We're still here and could use some help. We need to get him outta here but I can't put him on the back of a bike like this." Kade's voice drips with concern and just a hint of irritation. "So, can you give him a ride?"

I grab my keys from the hall table. "Yeah. I'll be there soon."


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