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I pull up at Jace's apartment and fight with my hair in the mirror one more time

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I pull up at Jace's apartment and fight with my hair in the mirror one more time. His texts from earlier have me flustered and nervous. I don't know what kind of situation I'm walking into and truthfully, the only thing I can think of is waiting for Mom and Carl to get here. Going in with them sounds a lot safer than going it alone.

Maybe I'm being a coward, using my mom as a shield, but damn it, it's all I got! I couldn't even face him in our last class. Every time I looked at him my mind stormed with the images his words provoked.

Jace kissing me. My hair wrapped around his fist. His body against mine as he fu...

It was too much. I bailed, claiming I needed to visit the nurse.

My teachers gonna start thinking I have something seriously wrong with me.

Nope, no serious health issues, Ms. Howard. Just allergic to motorcycle riding bad boys with ink-covered muscles, piercing blue eyes, and naughty words that make me feel like I'm melting in my seat.

I groan and place my head against the steering wheel.

What have I gotten myself into?

Friends with Jace Hall. That's what. I must have lost my fucking mind.

Knock, knock!

I jump out of my skin at the sound of someone tapping on my window. My heart races as I peak through my fallen hair.

Oh, good, Mom. Thank God.

Grabbing my purse, I jump out of the car.

"Hey, Mom. I was just waiting for you."

She leans in to hug me. "I'm sure you could've gone in without me. Amy gave me their apartment number earlier when we talked."

Yeah, no. I definitely could not have gone up by myself.

"Yeah, just figured it'd be nicer to go in together." I attempt a smile but it feels a hundred percent forced.

Mom noticed my weird behavior and gives me a quizzical look, the same one she gives when she's doing crossword puzzles. Before she can ask questions, I spot Carl behind her and walk over to give him a hug.

"Hi, Carl." I smile as we give each other an awkward side-hug.

Carl's cool and we get along great. But for a business owner, he's kind of shy. That's one of the reasons they're so perfect for each other. Mom brings him out of his shell and he gives her the love and support she deserves.

"It's good seeing you, Lexi." His smile climbs to his eyes, creating wrinkles in his olive complexion. "So, this is a friend of yours or...?"

"A friend." I nod.

"That and Amy's been a good friend for years," Mom adds. "We used to take the kids to the park, carpooled to school, and even went on a few vacations to the beach together."

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