Chapter 8

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Preston looks extremely grumpy as I make him carry all the bags. I was surprised when he took the first bag from me but he definitely regrets doing that cause now he is holding too many bags.

I watch as two people follow us closely again. I move closer to him and whisper , " I think they are following us "

He glances back and surely they are still behind us. He says nothing but walks faster. I unknowingly hold his hand . He glances at our adjoined hands and then abruptly pulls his hand back . I mask the hurt by quickly going into another store.

I'm pretty sure that all the sex we had was just sex for him. I wouldn't lie and say that I was reserving myself for someone who loves me and all that shit but I thought that maybe this would bring us closer. I know close to nothing about him . The only thing I know is his body and that isn't very helpful .

When we are done , we quickly get into his car. He doesn't start the car but just looks blankly ahead.

" Listen , just because we had sex doesn't mean I fell in love with you . " He says

" When did I say that you fell in love with me ?  And you're right , this sex means absolutely nothing. I'm glad we both agree on that "

He looks slightly taken aback.

" I never said that it doesn't mean anything " he says his voice barely audible.

" What do you want me to say? You tell me nothing. We are married and we should get to know each other if we plan on spending our lives together. But honestly , you don't even try. You just know how to be an complete arse to me that's all . "

" Will you chill out? We have plenty of time to get to know each other "

I don't say anything. I don't know what he wants me to say when he himself implied that the sex doesn't mean that there's anything between us .

As soon as we reach home , I'm quick to get out of the car. I go to my room and start packing. Making sure to take everything and rechecking. Preston doesn't bother me and does his packing as well. All the enthusiasm that I felt in the morning had disappeared. I was no longer in a mood to go to Bali . I know it's going to be awkward between us now.

I pack a few books and then head down to dinner. I don't wait for Preston and start downing my food. The maids return and start serving Preston when he arrives.

We both avoid each others eyes. I head upstairs to sleep and lay down on my side. I hear the door slam shut after a few minutes and feel the bed dip from his weight.

"My parents were asking about you"  he says

" How are they?"

" Good , they are staying at Malibu for now "

" Oh , that's great " I say and after a few minutes my eyes close on their own accord.



Our room is surrounded by water . I'm absolutely in love with this. As soon as we enter our room , I quickly change into a bikini and jump in the water succumbing myself to the luke warm water. I watch from the corner of my eyes as Preston watches me. He is however interrupted by his ringing phone. He quickly glances at the number and goes to another room. His voice gets louder and louder with each second.

Worried, I get out of the water and wrap a towel around myself. I quickly go to him to see what's wrong. The noise of glass shattering fills the room and I hastily open the door.

" Preston?"

His eyes are bloodshot. He looks enraged . I've never seen him look so mad in these few days. He grabs my hands and says , " we are leaving" dragging me outside.

" Preston! I need to change ! Can you please calm down and tell me what's wrong ?"

He abruptly stops and gazes at me for a long hard minute.

" My parents were murdered"

" What?!" I screech

" Go and get changed now!" he says his voice devoid of any emotion.

" Preston? Are you okay? Why would anyone murder them?"

" We will find that soon enough , now get changed!"

I quickly change into whatever clothes I can find as soon as I can so that I don't piss him off even more. My hand shakes as I pull the dress over my head.


I feel sick . I don't know how Preston is so composed. It's making me sick to think that my mother in law was killed . That sweet lady. Even though we didn't get to know each other better , I knew she was a nice and kind woman. I can't say the same about his father but nonetheless I feel terrible. And most of all I feel sorry for Preston.

I walk towards him and I'm quite shocked to know that we will be going by a helicopter. I don't complaint but I did not know he was that rich.

I watch him from the corner of my eyes. I can clearly see the anger on his face. I rest my hand on his and he looks at me, surprised at my gesture.


I puke everything out as soon as I see their corpses. I retch as the image pops in my head yet again. Someone rubs my back and pulls my hair back.

They weren't just murdered, they were tortured in the worst possible way ever. I ignore the people around me and quickly rush in the restroom. My tears fall free when I think about Carla and André. My mom bursts into the restroom and as soon as she spots me , she gives me a tight hug.

" It's okay honey"

My mothers eyes are red , she and Carla were best friends.

" Preston is looking for you " she says and we both head out. Preston stands outside, his hands inside his pockets. My mother gives him a nod and joins my father.

I clutch his hand in mine and we head home together. We had to go and identify the bodies . Preston had said that he should go alone but I didn't want to make him go through that alone so I went along. My parents came shortly as well to provide us both comfort.

As soon as we go to our room , Preston goes to take a shower. I wait for him to come out. When he does I go towards him.

He glances at me in confusion.

" You don't have to act so tough all the time Preston" I say softly and hug him. He stays still for a while and then eventually puts his arm around me. I feel him shake with sobs as he cries on my shoulder, his fingers digging in my back but I don't say anything.


Sooo, I'm quite excited and I will be uploading chapters frequently.

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