Chapter 38

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It is funny you think I give a fuck

It is funny you think I give a fuck

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The day after I spent the day in bed only coming out when I was forced to. A part of me wants to let them in but the other part knows that it is best this way. It is best to be alone, because as soon as I let people in or let myself get too close...

I get hurt.

So, it is best to distance myself away from them... it is best to be cold and drive them away, it is best for everyone for me to just be alone. Last night I got little to no sleep, the memories of mike always replaying on repeat. I am always feeling too scared to go to sleep because I always feel like the monster will come out from under the bed.

I am always waiting...

I am always in fear knowing that my monster is still out there that he is still hiding. And what I am more scared of is him hurting the only people I care about. He could hurt or find a way to hurt dad or one of my brothers. He could even hurt Ryan my best friend. If he hurt any of those people I know that would be the end of me. I would never be able to forgive myself. I looked down at the photo of me and john and loudly sighed.

I had already been the cause of one death, wouldn't want to be the cause of another.

I got dressed in jeans and a baggy black hoodie, even though they were a size six. They hung so loosely on my body and looked more like a bag on me more than clothes. I avoided mirrors like nothing else getting ready as quick and carelessly as possible. I don't care what people think about me or how people see me. if people think I am an ugly bitch fuck them. I walked down the stairs hearing in the distance my older brothers waking up or trying to wake up the younger brothers. I don't need people to wake me up, I can do that shit myself. I can look after myself.

Dad and Enzo were sitting on the kitchen table eating a bagel and drinking their poison. I grimaced walking past them to boil the kettle. I honestly don't know how people drink that black poison. I had tried it once and by gosh it scarred me. I also grabbed an apple and once my drink was ready I sat down on the kitchen table. Like usual they were both wearing their fancy rich snobby suits. Enzo looked at me a large frown forming and then he scoffed really loudly when he saw my apple. "is that seriously all your having"? I then rolled my eyes while munching on my delicious apple making a 'duh' face. Enzo scowled then got up nearly second later a piece of toast was placed in front of me. I looked up at Enzo giving him a pissed of look while he was only smirking mischievously at me. "Blimey, you seriously need to stop force-feeding me". I scold him crossing my arms over my small chest. He scoffed loudly and rolled his eyes. "eat". I rolled my eyes and took a dramatic bite of the toast in hopes to irritate him but annoyingly it only made his smirk grow wider. Soon the others joined downstairs. The twins and Bruno all wearing leather jackets.

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