Chapter 59

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"We will get through this together."


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I was confused to see Breanna walking down the street. She looked like she was on a mission something. Something felt wrong about all of this and I know it's creepy but I followed her. Breanna is different from all of the other girls I have met. She didn't try to flirt to me or flaunt and give herself. Instead, she did the complete opposite she dissed me and ignored like I was nothing. I thought at first she was just a bratty girl or something. But as I got to know her more it didn't take long to notice that she is way more. Usually whoever talks to me or disrespects me like she does they would have a bullet through their skull. But she is different... She does something to me what I can't explain...

She is special.

She acts like a true mafia queen, she isn't afraid to stick up for herself and for that makes her perfect. To others, I am a sadistic psychopath who kills remorse. I am not even going to deny it because it is true. I thrive through bloodshed and one thing I love most is getting revenge. I am used to feeling nothing and I have grown to learn not to put my feelings first from my deranged father. But when her yesterday it was like everything I have learnt in my life came crashing. Because as I saw her all I wanted to do was to hug her, protect her and take all her pain. it made me confused because I would've thought that her stupid brothers and father would protect with hundreds of guards. Which made me more than angry, they failed to protect my little tigress. If it wasn't her family I would have taken her in already and killed them for not protecting her. But that would hurt her and I would never want that.

Since when have I became so soft?

I can't wait to claim her as my queen she perfect queen for the Mexican mafia. Knowing my father will just set me up with a random stuck up girl. Breanna is different from all of them.  I want to be her shoulder to cry on. I want to be her rock.   You can see that she is made for this. And what makes me feel better is that she feels the same way about me. although I don't know exactly what this is. I already know that I am never going to let her go. I have only known her for a few weeks but yet that is useless because my heart is already melting... I tried to follow her as discreetly as possible. I want to know where she is going what seems to be so important. But why aren't her brothers with her? Why did her father let her go? I felt angry that they let her go because she was in no condition to be walking out like this. Those assholes are going to pay for not protecting her properly I don't give a fuck about the alliance. Because right now I will kill them without a second thought.

I want to right now get her and to find out what the hell she is doing. But I decided to sit and watch and only intervene if my princess is in danger.

I furrowed my eyes as she started walking off the footpath into the private area on the cliff. I decided then to get out of the car. I needed to make sure that she was ok. So I followed her a few metres behind but I made sure I was quiet. I didn't want her to hear me. My breathing hitched as she walked to edge. What is she doing? Is she going to jump? I was getting ready to run and catch her. I was not going to let her do whatever crazy shit she is thinking. I walked closer quietly trying my best to not startle her. My heart broke as I started to hear her crying. She sounded so heartbroken and like she is just aching in pain. Her legs started shaking and I started to get fearful that she was going to slip and fall. I walked carefully I did not want her to jump in fright. She was too close to the edge that in the one wrong it could be fatal. My heart tugged more and more as I heard her sobs. I carefully snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her to my chest. She jumped in my arms and her breathing hitched.

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