chapter three

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I stood like a moron at England International Airport after my arrival waiting for my uncle to pick me up.
After the lady at the airport's reception asked me if I was lost I'm pretty sure everyone thought the same . The stares I was getting.

Neptune rescue me.

So I decided to take a seat on a weird bench with my minimum laguage. This place smells and looks foreign...I thought to myself.

"Oliver , my oh my have you grown"
Behold my uncle found me .

"Uncle Max " I dramatically said throwing myself into his arms.

"I missed you " I sniffed, practising my newly found acting career.

"Your cousins are going to be absolutely chuffed when they see you"
The man yelled in my ear which ended our hug.

"I bet they will" I patted his shoulder.

"Hand me your bags i will carry them to the car" he insisted showing off bits and pieces of his masculinity through his superior tone.

Immediately I threw the bags in his direction but the man was quick enough to get hold of them , lucky man... I muttered .

We walked out of the airport him ahead , me behind and we reached his car. I could not believe my mother's relatives were well-off yet they watched us suffer with poverty and did nothing about it.

Entering his four by four Renault Captur I took a seat and heaved a sigh, this car was the most comfortable I'd ever been in.

"Oliver you look grown" My uncle grumbled and I wondered, was that a compliment?or an offense? I wasnt sure if he meant that I looked good or old.

Uncle Max started the car waiting for me to answer him he even threw me a side glance while he reversed the car. Let's reply the man shall we.

"Thank you" i said with a hint of a fake smile...what was I supposed to say .

"You remind me so much of your mother in her teen years."

Can he not.

"Really thanks " I smiled in response.

The rest of the drive was quiet , and I managed to get some sleep considering I hadn't slept in hours , the woman sitting next to me back on the plane had a toothing baby as she had explained so I barely got time to sleep with the child wailing all the way.

Imagining my mother's sad face with a clenching heart I slowly fell asleep.


"How long is she staying here?"

"Oh my God she's so pretty"

"Yeah she has nicely tanned skin"

"Tell me about it we should all just move to America".

"Did she really get accepted into Oxford?"

"She looks like her father"

I heard faintly as I rubbed my eyes open.

"Your eyes are perfect " squeaked my aunt Nina who was Uncle Max's wife.

"Hey aunt Nina" I mumbled sleepily as she huddled me in a tight hug.

"Hey Oli" greeted Chloe my cousin.

"Hi Oliver" Sofia, my other cousin greeted.

Aunt Nina and Uncle Max have two kids , they used to have three but Don died when he was barely a month , sad story actually but here we are.

"Chlo honey you're going to share your room with Oli while she's here"
commanded Aunt Nina.

"Ok mom" I was shocked that Chloe had actually  agreed , not that she hates me or I hate her or anything like that , the thing is we've just never been close.

"Sofie help your dad carry Oli's bags to Chloe's room"
she commanded softly this time.

"But mom why cant she carry her own bags " protested little Sofie.

"Sweetheart just look at Oli" my aunt said and everyone did just that ... they all stared at me

"She looks like she was hit by a truck load of bricks look at those eyebags, and she has to leave in a day for University understand baby" My kind Aunt explained to her rebellious child.

"Ok ok I'll help but only because I like Oli"she replied with a smile.

University begins in a day!

Hello England?


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