chapter thirty-seven

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"It doesn't have to end this way" Chloe protested.

"You stay the hell away from me! This was uncalled for!" I yelled.

"What did you want me to do? Watch you ruin your life?"

"Ruin my life?" I scoffed " I'm not ruining my life I'm running away from what ruined my life!"

"Louis cant grow up without knowing his father " she said knocking some sense into me.

"That doesn't change the fact that I'm leaving "

"Dont be a coward dont run away be strong...Stay" she begged.

"I'm not staying here" I firmly stated.

"He's going to find you either way "

"What are you? A fortune teller now?"

"No all I'm saying is that he's going to find you nomatter where you go I'm sure Henry has told him by now"

"And that's who's fault?" I asked and her face fell with guilt .

"I was just trying to help"

"I didnt ask for your help dont forget that"

"Save yourself the labour and stay"

"I'm going to run until he cant find me" I seriously said.

"Are you sure"

"He wont find me"

"Keep telling yourself that"

"I'm serious he wont find me"

"If it makes you sleep at night."

"He wont find me"

"Quit chanting that phrase you're being creepy"

"Then quit opposing me"

"I'm just stating the obvious"

"It's not obvious"

"It is"

"I booked a flight and luckily they have one for tonight"

"You're not going to leave me" she said sadly.

"I'm sorry Chloe but I have to"

"Make sure you visit me when you become Queen" she said with gloomy eyes.

"Instead of making cheesy fantasies in your head you should be helping me make an escape plan from Carter"

"You mean William" she snorted

"Whatever his name is...him"

"I dont have time to do that" she replied

"Fine I'll do it myself"

"I'll drive you to the airport tonight and watch you leave knowing you're returning to England soon" she smiled sheepishly.

"No I'm not "

"I call for being your maid of honor" and I left the room after her distressing request.


"Louis what's wrong?" I asked . He had been quiet for two days now.

We arrived safely from England and again today ever since a day ago Louis still hadn't spoken I'm guessing something happened to him at school.

"Mom I dont know what happened to him" I told my mother after he had gone to bed.

"Maybe he just needs space"

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