The Annoyed

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Chapter Ten

Sherlock lay on the couch of his apartment, one draped over the arm-rest. His phone was ringing. He didn't bother looking at it. He stared blankly at the wall, and called for Mrs Hudson.

"Mrs Hudson!" A door opening and footsteps coming up the stairs could be heard.

"What is it Sherlock?"

"Could you pass me my phone?" Mrs Hudson didn't move, instead she glared at Sherlock. He turned towards her when he realised that she wasn't moving. "I asked you if you could pass me my phone."

"No Sherlock, you didn't ask me. You told me to get you your phone. Like I've said before, I'm not your housekeeper. Unless you're politer to me, you can be sure that you're not getting any help from me." Sherlock turned to face her, pouted slightly and paused.

"I'm...sorry." Mrs Hudson gave a tight-lipped smile. "Could you, please, pass my phone to me please?"

"I see that the 'great' Sherlock Holmes, does actually have some sort of manners." She moved over to the table, picked up the phone and dropped it into his open palm, Sherlock muttered a word of 'Thanks' and Mrs Hudson walked out of the room.

"Don't expect me to help you with those petty matters again." Mrs Hudson called behind her as she walked back down the stairs.

Sherlock glanced at his phone, checking the numerous missed calls left by Lestrade. The phone started ringing, Sherlock waited, the phone vibrated, it vibrated three more times before Sherlock picked it up.

"I was waiting for your call." Lestrade sighed in annoyance.

"Well if you were waiting for my call that is, why didn't pick up the ruddy phone earlier!" Lestrade said in exasperation.

"The phone was too far away..."

"It was in front of you wasn't it? Did you have to call Mrs Hudson to get it for you? You lazy arse." Sherlock paused, "I'm right, am I not?"

"Congratulations on the observation."

"You're not the only one that observes other people, y'know. Plus Mrs Hudson keeps on complaining about you too." Sherlock decided not to reply and instead asked about the new case he had been anticipating for a week. Lestrade explained about the latest spontaneous fire, now the fourth one. There had been no leads so far apart from the fact that witnesses says that they were smoking before they 'burst into flames'.

"I'm assuming that the area is still being sealed off to the public."

"Yes, are you coming down?"

"Address?" Sherlock confirmed.

"I'll text you it." Lestrade said before hanging up.

After a few minutes, Sherlock's phone trilled with incoming text. 'Carthusian Street, just outside Barbican station.' Lestrade's text said. The front door downstairs could be heard opening, and two people walked in.

"John! Let's go. New case." Sherlock called out as he walked out of the apartment and down the stairs, "What's she doing here? Isn't she meant to be in the hospital?"

"She was discharged today. I told you last week." John stated.

"Meaningless information, I deleted it." Sherlock said simply, "No matter, let's go John. A new case awaits."

"Can I come?" Cate piped. Sherlock scrunched his nose as a way of saying no, "I won't be any trouble, I just want to see an actual crime scene. Please? Look, I'll even cook meals for you for a week if you can get me onto the closed off area."

"Ha, you don't need Sherlock to get you there; I'll take you up on the offer if you cook my meals for a week. According to Mrs Hudson, your spaghetti bolognaise is quite spectacular." John laughed, Cate beamed in return. Sherlock huffed and opened the door.

"Lemme just drop off my laptop in Mrs Hudson's flat." John nodded, Cate knocked on the door and Mrs Hudson opened it, "Hi, Mrs Hudson!" Cate said brightly.

"Oh hello Cate! I see you've been discharged."

"Yeah, sorry Mrs Hudson, I'm in a slight hurry, John said he's going to take me onto a crime scene."

"I didn't think you were the type that liked murder."

"Oh I do. Do you think I could leave my laptop in your flat until I come back?"

"Of course dear, let me take it, have fun!"

"How come you do things for her then?" Sherlock asked from the front door.

"Because Sherlock, she asks nicely and she rarely ever asks me to do things for her." Mrs Hudson snapped before she slammed her door shut.

"Let's go then." John said. "Where are we going to?"

"Carthusian Street, outside Barbican station." Sherlock stated as he hailed a passing cab.

"Cool, I'll see you there." Cate said as she turned to look down the street.

"Are you not coming with us?" John enquired.

"No, I am going with you, just not with you. I'll see you there." Cate said, "Barbican station right?" she directed her next question to Sherlock, he nodded. She started walking down the street in long strides.

"Cate -" John started.

"John leave her, she's taking the tube, she'll be fine. Barbican station. " Sherlock said absently. John looked at Cate one last time before he himself sat in the cab.





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