Deep Blue Ocean:

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The water was warm as I bravely stepped into the ocean, I slowly walked further into the water until it was up to my shoulders and then I quickly dunked my head into the water finally wetting my hair. It was a beautiful sunny day in late August and I was lucky to be able to live in an apartment near the beach in beautiful Malibu, I liked to swim in the ocean every day after eating breakfast and I was enjoying my normal swim little did I know that everything was soon going to turn into a scene out of a horror movie.
I swam further and had been swimming for a while now when suddenly the weather changed and clouds started to drift across the sky, hinting that it would rain soon, 'better get out now,' I thought to myself so I started to swim towards the shore until I saw a Black shadow in the water.
'It's just seaweed' I told myself but in the back of my mind, I kept thinking Great White. I continued to swim I wasn't that far from the shore, I could see a few people on the beach, there was a guy who was tanned and muscular wearing sunglasses, a couple eating ice-cream cones and a dog playing on the sand.
I suddenly felt a tug on my foot, "stupid seaweed tangling me up," I muttered to myself but then I felt sharp teeth on my foot and I realized that it wasn't seaweed, it wasn't a plant at all it was more of a creature, a 30 foot one who lived in the ocean.
I looked behind me and saw a Black fin popping out of the water "oh shit, it's a Great White," I gasped. I braced myself and tried to remain calm, I had watched several movies and read books about Great Whites and studied them, I knew that they were certain times of the day that you couldn't swim in the ocean because those were feeding times. Jewellery, blood and urine attracted them also and panicking would make the situation worse.
I pulled my foot free and tried to swim away but the Great White unexpectedly became aggressive and started to push me against the water, he tried to drag me back for some reason he thought I was a threat and wanted to taste me because he thought I was a seal or some other type of aquatic animal that Great Whites feed on.
I wanted to scream because the sharp teeth were biting through my flesh and it felt painful, I thought I would need surgery after this, luckily a surfer with Blonde hair riding a surfboard noticed the blood in the water and he rushed over to help me.
"Are you ok?" he asked me. He grabbed and pushed me onto the surfboard and he swam onto the shore where he lifted me off and lay me down onto a beach towel.
"I'm fine," I said. "Just a bit freaked out."
"Yeah it's very rare to have Great Whites here, especially at this time of day, but I guess he must have noticed something about you," the man said.
"I guess so," I replied.
"I'm Leon by the way, what's your name," he asked me.
"I'm Hanna, thank you so much for saving my life," I said.

My Horror Stories:Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα