Chapter 13

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*Jaspers POV*
After Edward had taken Nix home, we continued our day as normal, though I felt every bit of hatred coming off my family to Bella.

I wanted to kill her for just thinking about hurting Phoenix. She was innocent and didn't deserve what Bella had sent on her.

My family's hatred feeding into mine, making my eyes go black and the Major threatening to come and and destroy anyone who dares threaten Nix.

Nix felt like a younger sister to me and I would protect her like I would protect Alice.

She truly was special to us, fire bird or not.

I knew vampires weren't the fondest of Phoenix's but this one was to nice and sweet to refuse. She had found a way into our dead hearts.

After school we drove home and hoped to see Nix. She was tired out from using her magic to penetrate Bella's shield so Edward could see into her mind.

"Where's Edward and Nix?" I asked Esme.

"In Phoenix's room. She's been passed out since they got home." Esme tells us.

"Has Edward told you what he heard in Bella's mind?" Alice asks.

"No. He said he would wait till Carlisle's home to tell us." Esme tells us.

I go upstairs to where Nix's room was. I saw Edward laying on her bed with an unconscious Nix in his arms.

I lean on the door frame and look at them. Edward glances up and sees me.

'She's so precious when she's asleep.' I think.

"She really is." Edward says, reading my mind.

"I'm guessing she's going to wake up soon. I'll go get her some food." I say before walking away.

*Edwards POV*
Jasper goes to get Nix some food. She was still asleep in my arms.

She started to stir and I knew she was waking up. Her eyes open and she looks up at me.

"Are you all rested up." I ask.

"Yeah. Did you tell Esme and Carlisle what you heard." She asks.

"Not yet. I'm waiting till Carlisle gets home from work." I tell her.

"Ok." She says. "Can we go downstairs." I nod.

We walk downstairs and find everyone in the living room, no doubt listening to our conversation.

Rose and Lily come over and hug her. She hugs back.

"Are you feeling better." Rose asks, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah." Nix replies.

I go up behind Nix and place my arms around her waist from behind. I kiss her hair. She leans into my chest.

"We made you some dinner." Esme calls.

"Ooh. Food." Nix says. I chuckle at her.


A couple hours after Nix eats, Carlisle gets home.

"Carlisle, we need to tell you something." I say.

"Alright. What is it." He says, putting his coat away.

"Come sit down, first." Jasper suggests.

He follows us into the living room where we sit in the couch. I pull Nix into my lap.

"Today at lunch, you know how Bella has a shield that protects her mind from me reading it?" I ask. Carlisle nods. "Nix managed to get through it."

"Fascinating." He mutters.

"I got a glimpse into her mind. It wasn't pleasant." I continued tell him about what I heard.

"So it was Bella who sent the nomads in Phoenix." Carlisle gathers. "And she's planning on using the wolves so Alice won't be able to see what she does. She thought her thoughts were safe."

"So she's going to use the mutts." Rosalie growls.

"I believe so. Is it possible to do it again." He asks Nix.

"It's possible but it drains my energy so I wouldn't be able to do it for any longer then I did it last time." She answers.

"Well your not doing it tomorrow." I say. She looks at me confused.

"Why not." She asks.

"It's sunny tomorrow. So we won't be there to shield you or help you when you run out of energy." Jasper answers.

"Oh. Ok." She says.

For the rest of the night before Nix went to bed we talked about random stuff that came up.

I know this sucks but I'm out of ideas. So, could I please have some ideas as to what happens.

How do you feel about Jasper and Phoenix's bond?

How do you think the encounter with the wolves should go?

Please, I need ideas.

Word count: 730

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