2 - Curiosity

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Questions burn in Carter's mind and he couldn't take it anymore. He just had to know the answers.

Eric starts to wonder if maybe he's going insane.


Whenever he was visiting the house growing up, Eric's grandparents had always told him to be careful where he put things as they seemed to vanish quite frequently. Just little things, like bobby pins and buttons and elastics. Even money and food sometimes. He'd always chalked it up as just the family forgetfulness or maybe an air of bad luck around the house, but never would he imagine tiny people living in the walls and taking their things.

And now he lived here, witnessing it happening to himself.

Eric stared up at his ceiling, completely unable to sleep. Something unimaginable had just happened, and he genuinely wondered if he had hallucinated it all. But even after rubbing his eyes free of any lingering sleepiness, he could still see clear as day the terrified face and shaky breaths of the small blonde sugar thief on his counter. For hours he lay there, replaying the events over and over in his brain.

The little guy looked pretty human, but there was no way people that small existed. And had fluffy ears and tails. He was obviously terrified and had the intelligence to understand him (let alone make improvised weapons and tools) so there was no way that Eric would have kept him there like a prisoner against his will, but damn did he wish that they could have talked more. He'd examined the hole in the kitchen wall which the other had fled from, but couldn't see very far in. Curiously he wondered how deep the wall trenches were, and how many more of them could be hiding in there.

The sun began to rise from behind the horizon, with Eric still unable to wrap his mind around the existence of someone so tiny. Had he made the right decision? Will he be alright? Would he ever come back again now? How long has he been here in the first place? Unending questions danced around inside his head, not leaving him a moment of peace.

As the day continued things went on like nothing had ever happened. The birds sang like normal, the TV was boring like normal, and Eric was alone. Like normal. He was unable to get the small person off of his mind for even a second and actually considered leaving a note asking for a chance to meet again, but he heavily doubted that would work. The other hadn't spoken a word to him, and Eric idly wondered if he could even read.

Every little bump and scratch that he heard throughout the day put him on high alert and had him looking around, wondering if it would be the return of his house-mate. But as the day droned on and faded into the next one, Eric wondered a little sadly if the little one would stick to his word, truly intending to not come back.

It sure seemed like it, as the third day of silence rolled around with nobody else in sight, and nothing small in the house disturbed. He even 'accidentally' dropped a few small things yesterday but they remained where they fell, collecting dust on the floor. Even the kitchen tile stayed in the same place, untouched by small hands. Eric let out a long sigh as he got ready for work, figuring he should give up hope of them meeting again.

The tiny adventurer had probably packed up his things and was long gone by now.


Carter huffed, puffing out his cheeks and raking his hands through his hair. He was supposed to be all packed up and long gone by now, but things weren't really going to plan. Supplies were almost gone as he hadn't been on a borrowing mission since that fateful night, afraid of any potential traps he might run into.

The Sugar Thief (G/T) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now