10 - Awake

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uhh gonna post this super quick with no editing bc my phone is gonna die and the power is out til later so sorry for shitty formatting, but here!

Carter's head turned towards Eric's direction as soon as the door had opened, eager to see what his friend needed.

"What's up..?" Carter asked, slight concern overtaking his smile.

"Damien's awake.." 


Thanks to his work schedule, Eric found it not as hard as it used to be to wake up early. Which was good, considering he needed to be awake and have steady hands when treating the sick borrower in his dresser. Carter had thankfully already been awake in the drawer when Eric approached, eyes landing on the eyedropper in the human's hand. 


"Why does he have to drink so much water?" Carter asked as he stretched, genuinely curious-- He felt like at this rate they were going to drown the elder borrower. Realistically, it was only administered every few hours or so.


"It's good to drink any kind of liquids when you're sick," Eric explained. "It keeps your respiratory system hydrated and helps you cough more mucus up." 


Carter nodded, understanding 90% of those words.


"So it's good that he's coughing?" He asked, still a little confused. 


"Well yes and no," Eric tilted his head lightly, his expression turning a little grim. "His body is fighting the sickness and getting all the bad stuff out which is good, but if he coughs too much or too hard it can hurt him even more." 


"Oh.." Was all the blonde said in response, looking down at his brother with a worried expression. He couldn't fathom Damien being even more injured.


"I would have given him some medicine to help, but I'm too scared of what that'll do if I give him the wrong amount.." Eric said, feeling a little guilty that he couldn't do more to ease Damien's suffering.


"It's okay," Carter more so told himself than Eric, not taking his gaze off his brother. "He'll be okay, I know he will." Damien was a fighter, and Carter wouldn't accept that this would be what brought him down, plain and simple.


"That's the spirit!" Eric beamed, giving the little blonde an award-winning smile. It was good to see Carter being positive about the situation. 


The two had quickly tended to the sick borrower, who once again accepted the cool liquid. He was still out like a light; Carter had never seen his brother sleep so much before, or anyone for that matter, but he figured that he must be needing the four day's rest to heal.

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