Chapter Five

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The sound of the clacking of a keyboard and the murmur of bustling of employees in the cubicles resonates in the roomy office.

As I sit on a small comfy grey sofa across from Alana who is typing away on online school. I wobble my crossed legs and twists my lips.

I really wish I brought my Bible with me. Between the two of them having their eyes glued to the computers and me wanting to be courteous and not make noise I am really bored.

Considering that I lived on the street for 3 years some would think I'm used to the still quietness.

A sudden clank of the glass doors catches me off guard.

"Heyooo!", a semi deep voice shouts. I look over at Alana and Steven to see their faces still locked on their screens.

A brown skin man marches into the office with a smile on his chocolate colored face. He looks to be about 6 feet tall and has a muscular but lean stature. The white dress shirt he's wearing contrasts his radiant light brown skin.  

He paired the shirt with navy blue pants and mahogany dress shoes. He is handsome and seems charming. Hmm.

His angular face is clean shaven and he has deep dimples. His hair is dark brown and curly. If it wasn't for my fondness for Steven I would probably be interested in him


The thought startles me and I take a second to dig deeper. I know I'm attracted to Steven. I was attracted to him when I first saw him.

Now, fondness is another thing, I mean it's not like he warmed up after a day and was nice and welcoming to me. Yes, there are moments when he opens up a little, but he has gone back in his protective shell every time.

Something about the sometimes (usually) grumpy handsome man, intrigues me. 

A hand being shoved in my face breaks my daydreaming. I look up to see the man holding his hand out to me with a bright smile on his dimpled face. I grab his hand and smile softly. "Hello beautiful, I'm Chris", he drawls. I gush a little when he strokes his thumb over my knuckles.

Before I reply he I see Steven come up behind him. His large hand grasps the collar of Chris' white shirt. My mouth forms a 'O' shape when he tugs him back forcefully. 

"Watch it!", Steven growls sneering. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise while Chris glares at Steven. Steven tugs him backwards a little more an then releases him. His body turns toward me and his hazel eyes stare at me heatedly.

An inward blush appears inside me due to my chocolate skin. Chris smooths out his shirt with a sneer on his face.  Little giggles distract me from the two men. I turn my head to see Alana giggling with a rosy blush on her chubby cheeks.

A bright dimpled smile appears on Chris' face as his gaze settles on the laughing girl. He hurries over to the couch and attacks her with tickles. I chuckle lightly as Alana laughs loudly and squirms. 

Steven sits back down in his office chair and huffs. I stretch my tense body wincing. Alana and Chris calm down and Steven gives them a 'Are you sure you done' look. 

"So ready for that big gala." Chris shouts slumped on the couch. Steven cuts his eyes at him. "I'll take that as a yes. So you gonna' take Savannah." I frown thinking about her in a sparkly gown waltzing around with Steven. 

1 Peter 2:1-2; "Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation." 

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