Chapter Thirteen

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Running my hands down my face I sigh dramatically loud. Today was nice calm day. I just came from going sneaker shopping with Chris and I come to the apartment to have Reena on my back.

Went from buying Jordans  to having this women tell me off. Crazy.

I grit my teeth harshly causing my jaw to bump, as I feel my temper rising.

She really just stood here and screamed at me like I'm a child. Not only was it annoying but it angered me.

My anger is something that if you poke it too much I will blow. Not just blow. I explode.  Chris knows it. Alana knows it. My family knows it.

I will blow.

I hope that I can control it right about now because this short feisty woman is poking me. Screaming at me then getting up and walking away— leaving me standing here like an outcasted child.

Taking a deep breath I leave the apartment quietly closing the door. Taking slow steps I step inside the elevator harshly poking the lobby button. Feeling the elevator start to move down I close my eyes and practice breathing in and out to calm myself.

The quiet ding signaled that it was time to get off. Briskly walking outside I send a sharp nod to the doorman who sends one back.

As soon as I step onto the first stair I see her sitting at the bottom. She is balancing her elbows on her knees and laying her head on her hands. Her curly hair blows in the cool wind as I hear her grumble to herself.

Taking a seat across from her I blow out a big breath running my hand through my hair.

"What did you come out here to tell me Steven." Her tone is clipped and I can hear the anger in her voice.

"If I could say what you didn't give me a chance to up there."

Her heads snaps to me and her facial expression is one I haven't seen on her face before.


Even furious I somehow still find her beautiful. Her cute button nose is slightly red due to the wind blowing in her face. Her curls are swaying back and forth on her head with the setting sun behind her.

"What was I gonna listen to! You making excuses for her bad behavior!"she shouts throwing her hands around in frustration. I raise an eyebrow at her and she mimics me adding her pursed lips.

"I wasn't there so I don't know what was said their are two sides to the story. As a matter of fact she called me and said Yasmin put her hands on her and you threatened her."

On my way to the apartment Savannah called me whining about how my "house maid" and her friend attacked her. Did I believe all of what she said? No. Some of it? Maybe.

Her eyes widen in shock and what she does after that puzzles me.

She starts laughing.

"Oh wow. So you're really sitting here talking to me about what she said. When I just told you, That for the third time your whatever disrespected me! ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Her tone raised higher than I've ever heard it.

"She has a name. It's Savannah not whatever.",I snap gritting my teeth.

She jumps up off the step and gasp with her mouth agape. She pauses and a vacant expression appears on her face. It seems like she is debating inside her head.

After a minute she throws her hands up with a furious look on her face.

"You know what! Do what you want to! I actually thought you would care! Now IM making my decision. I AM NOT going to the gala with you. So take your girlfriend!"

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