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aoba johsai won the last set, the audience shouted in joy, i cheered on tooru, my boyfriend

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aoba johsai won the last set, the audience shouted in joy, i cheered on tooru, my boyfriend. he glanced over to me, smiled, and waved. i waved back and noticed the girl beside me waving too. i sighed and smiled, it's always nice to see people cheering tooru on. as everyone was leaving i walked over to the team, they greeted me happily as i have been pretty close with them since i have been going out with tooru. i tend to come to his practices bringing some food and snacks and the members tend to ask for some too, so i would bring some more food for them, sooner or later we started talking and getting to know each other more and now i hangout with them daily outside of their practices.

"have you guys seen tooru? i brought him some onigiri and milk bread"

"i think i saw him walking to the bathroom" iwaizumi replied. i thank him and rushed over to look for tooru.

i looked at the bento box i was holding in my hands, it reminded me of when we first met, i was also one of his admirers and i've always admired his passion for volleyball, i gave him this same bento box and we started to talk and he asked me out after a year of being friends. i smiled at the memory and soon realised i was close to the bathroom. i looked up and saw the familiar chocolate waves from the wall i was standing behind.

"tooru! congratulations on winning today—"

i dropped the bento box as i saw him kissing a girl, the same girl i was sitting next to at the match, i stepped back as i realised when the bento box collided with the floor it made a loud sound, startled, tooru turn around and looked at me terrified.


"enjoy your bento tooru! although, it's on the floor, oh i think it cracked too" i smiled.

"___-chan wait please i'm sorry—"

"ah i'm late for work, i have a shift at the cafe today, i must leave"

"___! listen to me! i need to—"

i knew he was shouting something towards me but i didn't listen, i just ran back to the court to grab my backpack that i left there.

"___-san, back so soon? where's oikawa?" iwaizumi asked.

"with his girlfriend iwaizumi-san!" i said and smiled.

"but, you're right here, where is he?"

"iwaizumi-san you must have hearing problems," i laughed. "he's with his girlfriend right now!" he looked at me confused.

"anyways, my boss called and i have to leave cause he wants me to do the evening shift" i quickly said and left the court.

as i realised i have walked quite far away from the gym, i let go of the tears i was holding back from before, pathetic. i knew this would happen, girls surround him at every moment of the day, prettier girls, more talented girls, i knew he was going to cheat on me eventually, but ironically even after i prepared for the worst case scenario, it still hurted me as if i never even thought that it could happen in the first place.


"iwa-chan, where's ___-chan?" the brunette asked.

"really, oikawa? you finally have someone who appreciates you for your passion, someone who pushes you to play volleyball more, someone who is always there for you, and you cheated on her? you better have a reason for the shit you've just done" the furious ace said to the setter.

"i'm sorry iwa-chan, i swear i didn't mean to, i was just caught up in the moment and i guess it just happened"

"you cheated on her, so apologise, to her"


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