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"I still can't believe the kid that jumped was your dad's best friend," Julian says as we make our way down the crowded hall toward first period.

We'd talked on the phone last night well past bedtime, me retelling every detail of my dad's story, coming up with theories and connections until I fell asleep with my phone in my hand.

"I know. All the stuff with the Crescent and the weird things happening to mehave to be connected. Right?" I ask, digging in my backpack for my chemistry homework to turn in.

"I think so. But we gotta get in there, Cam," he says, brushing his dark hair from his forehead and piercing me with those eyes.

For no reason, heat creeps up my neck, and I clear my throat. "I don't see how. My dad forbids it; what am I supposed to do? There's no way I can get in there without him either seeing me or one of his employees telling on me."

A lopsided grin pulls at his lips, and I notice not for the first time how brilliantly white his teeth are. "You must learn to be sneaky."

The bell rings and I roll my eyes. "We'll talk about this later. I can't be late, or Mr. Burke might tear my head off."

"See ya later, History Project Cam."

"Later, Gym Class Julian," I say with a wave, almost running into the doorway like the idiot I am.

I put my books on the lab table I share with Rose and lift myself into the tall chair with a grunt. "I have to tell you about my—" I start, but without looking at me, Rose gets up, collects her stuff, and goes to the table in the very front of the room and slams into the seat without looking back.

Stung, I stand and walk to the front of the room to turn my homework in but stop at her desk on my way back. "Rose, what's wrong?"

She stares straight ahead; her freckled face flushed and angry, jaw clenched and nostrils flared.



"What did I do?" I ask, but the bell rings, forcing me into my seat before Mr. Burke walks in.

Rose doesn't look back one time during class, and I hear her ask Mr. Burke if she can permanently move her seat, and with a glance at me, he nods his head and makes a note in his gradebook.

After class, Rose rushes out the door, but I am too fast; I catch up with her and corner her in the side hallway. "Rose. Talk to me, please. Why are you mad at me?"

She shakes her head and tries to get around me, but I step in her path every time.

Finally, she says, "I'm not mad, Camryn, I'm just done with you."

I wrinkle my nose and shake my head in disbelief. "Rose, everything was fine yesterday. What the hell happened?"

"You know, I never thought you'd say something like that to me, not when you know how much I've struggled. I know we aren't like sisters or anything, Camryn, but I thought we were friends," she says, and her voice cracks into a strangled sob.

A prickly sensation creeps up my spine, and my chest tightens. It's happening again.

"I'd never—"

"You did. Don't act like you don't fucking remember seeing me at the mall yesterday and telling me I was too fat to wear the romper I was trying on, and that the bathing suit in my hand would make me look like a beached whale," she spits, attempting to shove past me.

Oh, fuck. "Rose, please. That wasn't me; you've got to believe me."

She scoffs, shoving me to the side and knocking me against the wall. "Cut the shit. It was you...just like it was you who kissed someone else in front of Levi, huh?" she sneers, whipping her head around and stalking down the hallway.

No, no, no, no.

I run down the corridor, blinded by tears, having no idea where I am going, just that I cannot be inside another second.

I burst through the double doors into the courtyard and slam directly into a solid figure.


In an instant, I recognize the tenor voice and the soft scent of citrus. It's Julian.

I look up and open my mouth, but all that comes out are ragged breaths and broken sobs. Finally, I manage, "Leave me alone, Julian." 

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asks, his palm resting on my bicep, his fingers curled around my arm with a featherlight touch.

I pull away from his grasp, and his arm drops to his side. "I said, leave me alone. I don't need your help."

He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "You keep saying that, and maybe you don't. But can you just humor me here? Because I'm worried about you."

Searching his gaze, I see nothing but concern, and I concede, motioning to the benches under the trees.

We sit, and he waits for me to catch my breath.

"It happened again," I breathe, pushing my wild curls from my face.

"What happened again?"

"I supposedly did something terrible...and I didn't. Rose said I saw her at the mall and called her fat," I say, wringing my hands and staring up at the sky.

"You would never do that," he says, and I'm touched by the certainty in his tone.

"I know, but she swears I did. What the fuck is happening to me?" Frustrated, I slam my hand on the stone bench, cracking the stone underneath us.

Julian and I jump up and look from the bench to each other. His eyes are alive with curiosity, fright, and within them burns the slightest bit of adrenaline.

"Cam, we have to sort this out, and I know you don't want to defy your father, but I think we have to start at the Crescent."


"I know you don't think you need my help. But can you please just let me give it to you?"

With a sigh, I say, "I know where he keeps his extra keys. He worked the day shift today."

"Tonight then."

I take a deep breath, look down at the cracked stone, and nod. "Tonight."


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