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"I'll tell her I can't go."

"No. Absolutely not, Julian. I won't allow it."

He cocks his head to the side and leans forward, putting his palms on my cheeks. "And I won't allow myself to leave you alone. Not after she was in your room just a couple days ago."

I put my hands over his and pull them down to my lap with a gentle squeeze. "You and your aunt have gone to Branson together on this day ever since you were ten. I won't be the reason that you break a long-running tradition that means a lot to you both."

"I'll just ask if we can do it a different weekend...after October 16," he says, running his thumbs along mine, the touch sending a prickly sensation through every nerve in my body.

"Stop trying to distract me with your stroking," I say, letting go of his hands with a final squeeze. "I will be fine. Besides, I won't be alone; Dad will be here with me. He won't let anything happen to me."

"I don't doubt that, but your dad doesn't know the whole situation and what we're facing here, Cam."

"It doesn't matter. He will still protect me, just because he's my dad. Trust me. It's going to be fine." He opens his mouth to speak, but I lay my index finger over his lips. "Shhh. Don't say another word. Case closed."

He rolls his eyes and pulls my finger from his lips, brushing his mouth with mine before I can speak again. "You're a stubborn ass," he whispers, our breath mingling together in an intoxicating mixture of peppermint and the Cherry Coke we'd been sharing.

"Takes one to know one," I tease, nipping his bottom lip.

He laughs, and the sound is like a shield protecting me from all that is out there to destroy me, stopping the cascade of horror that is lurking just beyond the horizon.

"So we're agreed?"

He sighs and leans back against the tree, looking up at the sky outside the school. "Fine. But I don't like it."

"I don't enjoy being away from you either," I say, and his eyes catch mine, the green one full of the same adoration I'd felt the other night, the brown one a swirling whirlpool of distress.

"I'm really starting to—" he begins but stops short when his gaze focuses on something behind us.

"What?" My heart races, and I'm certain it's her: Luna is here.

"It's Rose," he breathes. "She's looking over here like she wants to say something to you. Go talk to her, Cam."

I glance over my shoulder and release a breath through my nose. Rose's eyes are darting around the courtyard to avoid eye contact with me. Before I can change my mind, I stand and walk straight to her, sliding my hands into my hoodie pocket as I approach.

"Hi, Rose," I say, and it comes out as a strangled whisper.

"Camryn," she says without emotion, her eyes dull as they meet mine.

"Listen, Rose, I—"

"If you came over here to feed me that line again, I don't want to hear it."

I plop down on the ground in front of her so we are eye-to-eye. "It's not a line, Rose. You know I would never say those things to you. You're my friend, and I love you."

She scoffs and crosses her arms. "Whatever...are things going south with your new boytoy? Is that it? You need a friend right now?" Her tone is clipped, and her words are harsh, but I can't bring myself to even be upset with her. Why should she believe me? Would I believe me?

"Julian's not my boytoy, but I would love to tell you about him...and all the other crazy shit that's been happening in my life for the past few weeks."

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