Chapter 2

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Ember's POV

Putting on my leather jacket, I mentally prepare myself for the day. Taking my long black hair out of its ponytail, I greet my closest gang members. You could also call them my friends.

Mark has the gift of invisibility, while Ally has the quickest reflexes on Earth. Everyone in my fairly small gang has a gift, something that gives them an edge compared to our opponents.

"What's up, Boss?" Ally asks while Mark rolls his eyes.

"Loosen up, Ally! Ember is our friend, not just our leader." Mark tries to punch her on the arm, but with her reflexes, she catches his hand before twisting it painfully. "Okay! Okay! I tap out," he whines, not liking being beat by a girl.

Rolling my eyes at their antics, I agree with Mark. "Ally, you should loosen up a bit. At least stop calling me 'Boss' every time we have a conversation." Smirking at her annoyed face and Mark's accomplished grin, I head off to my motorcycle.

"Sorry for respecting you, Ember," Ally mumbles.

"You can respect me while still being my friend. I'm not only your boss." Turning around to face her, I give her a small smile before they hop on their bikes. I put on my helmet and rev my engine.

I love the thrill of riding on my motorcycle, the exhilaration. It's almost as fun as burning an opponent's warehouse to the ground, but without the thrill of the flames.

The trip to school is a quick one with my speeding, not caring about laws or other drivers. I could only focus on the joy I was experiencing while driving that fast.

Pulling into my parking spot on the side of the school building, closest to my locker, I look to the tree that is right behind me.

There is a group of girls and a few guys standing under it, all of them staring at me. However, one stare lingers.

Pulling my helmet off, I shake my hair out, taking a deep breath. Still feeling the eyes on me, I look back to see a girl with platinum blonde hair and gray eyes staring straight at me. She is farther away from everyone else, not mingling like they were. Her pale skin is pink from the chill in the air, and I watch as she looks away from me quickly, staring at her hands, readjusting the white gloves she is wearing.

Must be a nervous habit... I must've made her nervous. That thought makes me grin as my two best friends pull into the spots beside me. "What are you smiling about, Em?" Mark asks, a teasing smile gracing his face.

Looking back at the girl one last time, I say, "Nothing."

The bell rings, Ally, Mark, and I loitering around our bikes until everyone has gone into the building. Another girl waits until everyone has left before going in, and that girl is the same one who was staring at me. As she walks by I feel a harsh chill rush through my body, confusing me. I don't get cold.

Deciding to check this strange girl out after school, I make my way in, my mood instantly dampening.

I just can't wait to find out what is up with this girl.

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