Chapter 23

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Neve's POV

Ember and I are going over all the information Cece gave us, which isn't much. She just described the inside of her cell. They knocked her out before taking her anywhere.

Cece has been placed with a loving family, one who will take care of her.

Currently, I'm trying to control my powers, the anger balling up in my chest, wanting to explode out of me. Ember notices this, taking my hand in hers.

"Want to take a break?" She suggests calmly, calming me down slightly. I nod, and she leads me to the bed.

We are in Ember's room, and I take this as a chance to ask something I've been wondering about. "This quilt..." I pick it up in my hands gently. "It's the only thing in your room that distinguishes it as yours. Why?"

Ember looks vulnerable at the very mention of the quilt, making me back track. "You don't have to answer, I was just curious."

"No... It's fine. I need to talk to someone about it," she says softly. "It was made by my mom, for me. She made it while she was sick and dying, so I would have something left of her. She died right before my powers developed."

My heart breaks at her story, knowing what it feels like to lose a parent figure.

She continues, "If she were alive when I got my powers, she would've accepted me. I know it. But I was just so sad and angry at my dad for ignoring me and getting drunk constantly, that I accidentally burned my house down. This quilt was the only thing worth saving." She lets out a bitter laugh. "And guess where my dad was? At a bar, getting wasted. He came home with the house burned and me completely unscathed. He thought I did it for attention, so he kicked me out."

Tears fall down her cheeks, but she doesn't wipe them away. "I was nine, and all I had was the clothes on my back and this quilt."

Wiping away her tears, I cup her cheek in my hand. "Thank you for telling me," I say earnestly. I know she doesn't need an 'I'm sorry.' We've all been through a lot, and saying that your sorry doesn't do shit.

She smiles at me, more tears falling. "Thank you for being here for me."

I don't answer her, I just lean in and show my emotions through the soft kiss. I show my love and care for her, knowing she needs it.

I go to pull away, but Ember doesn't let me. She deepens the kiss, her tongue meeting mine. I taste her salty tears that make their way to our mouths, putting even more emotion into the kiss. I show her how proud I am of her for making it this far.

Needing to breathe, we both pull back. Ember doesn't stop there. She trails kisses down my neck, nipping at my skin occasionally. I let her push me back onto the bed, her climbing on top.

I pull at her shirt, suddenly needing to feel more of her warmth.

She pulls away, breathing heavily. "Are you sure you want this?" She asks in a husky voice, turning me on even more.

"Yes," I say surely, knowing that I'm ready.

She lets me pull her shirt off completely, leaving her black bra on show. I stare at her beauty, admiring my soulmate.

"Stop staring and kiss me," she demands, and I comply as she leans back down to kiss me even harder than before.

I'm in total bliss, sparks running through my body at her touch.

The night is perfect, her giving me everything I've ever needed. I experience more pleasure than ever before, never having been kissed before I kissed her. She introduced me to a new way of showing love, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

We fall asleep, cuddling, our bare skin meeting, her warmth enveloping me.

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