Chapter 9

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Neve's POV

I sit there in silence, my mouth open in shock. I did not sign up for this.

"You're in a gang?" I ask unsurely, slowly removing my hand from hers.

"I'm actually the leader of the gang," she says nervously. She looks like a nervous wreck, wringing her hands together, eyes on me like she is looking for any sign that I'm okay with what she is saying.

I come to the conclusion that it could be worse, so I just nod. Averting my eyes from her gorgeous form, I think about what her gang might be like.

She takes my nod and silence as a cue to keep going. "My gang is full of gifted people, most of us were abandoned when our powers developed. I take them in, helping them control their powers. They either join us or live a good life without us. We try to place people like us in good homes since we have power over the system."

This gang doesn't sound so bad. She helps people like me, helps them control their newfound abilities. And at least she helps them find a good home and not leave them on their own, facing the world without anyone on their side.

"You now have a choice, join us, help us fight the Hunters, or we will find you a good home to go to once you can control your powers." Ember looks me in the eyes, me getting lost in her amber ones. They hold me hostage, wiping my mind of any thoughts but her.

Breaking out of my thoughts when she grabs my hand again, I glance at our joined hands before looking back up to her face. Her face is unreadable, I can't decipher the look she is giving me.

Deciding I want to explore my feelings for this girl further, I say, "I'll stay until I can control my powers. After that, if you still want me, I'd like to stay."

She looks surprised before her lips turn into a smirk. "Why wouldn't we want you to stay?"

I get in her face, our noses touching. "I can be quite... aggravating... when I want to be."

Her eyes move to my lips, before she shakes her head, breaking out of the trance we were in. "I bet you can be. You are already quite aggravating."

I smirk, happy I'm getting on her nerves. "You haven't seen nothing yet."

We just stare at each other, challenging gazes meeting. She huffs, breaking our eye contact. "Let me show you to your room."

Following her out of her bedroom, I glance back at the pretty quilt one last time. I wonder who made that.

We only walk a few steps to the room next to hers. Glancing at her questioningly, she answers my unasked question. "I want you as close as possible in case you get out of control."

Slightly offended that she thinks I have no control, I huff quietly. I soon realize she is right, I have no control. I haven't ever had any control.

Walking into the room, it looks like the basic guest room you'd expect. It looks similar to Ember's, but without the quilt. "Welcome home." Ember gestures to the room with a smile, before walking out, letting me get acquainted with the space. As soon as she closes the door, I do my favorite thing.

I run towards the bed, jumping onto it like a frog. I giggle to myself, but pause when I hear a quiet laugh from the room over, as if she knew what I did. I'm silent, waiting for any indication that she knows I jumped on the bed like a child.

Not hearing anything else, I continue bouncing lightly on the soft bed, happy I have my own room. It has been too long since I've had a real room to call my own. Taking my backpack off my back, I empty all my belongings onto the bed. All that are in here are a hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, a few pairs of lounge clothes, a few school uniforms, my school supplies, and deodorant.

I have had to scrounge for money to replenish some of my supplies and eat every once in a while, but life hasn't been too bad.

Now, life seems to be looking up.

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