Chapter 16

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-----------------------> WHEN SHE HAD BEEN YOUNGER, Artemis had observed the possibility of her becoming an artist

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-----------------------> WHEN SHE HAD BEEN YOUNGER, Artemis had observed the possibility of her becoming an artist. After all, she had paintings in some of the world's most renowned art galleries before she was fifteen, and had even made quite a pretty Knut on selling them. However, she had been quick to Avada Kedavra the possibility.

Art was her refuge from the world.

It was her free time fancy, something she did when she looked for a way to express her emotions. And if she pursued art as a career, she feared the loveliness of the art and the burst of euphoria it caused her would fade, and it would soon grow to be a chore.

So, no, Artemis was not going to be an artist, which led her mind to boggle which other career options would she be able to genuinely enjoy while still earning a comfortable income.

But while the matter of her future, currently undecided career was pressing, it was nothing compared to the fact that she would have to spend an extra hour with Tom Riddle-Who-Couldn't-Solve-A-Riddle starting from that day to three nights a week, thanks to her wonderful Astronomy teacher.

It didn't help that she -by some curse from Lady Hecate- that due to prefect patrols, potions class and astronomy class, she would have to see Tom Riddle every single day and spend quality time with him without fail.

Oh joy, Artemis thought as she stabbed the already dead meat on her plate with vigorous force, imagining it to be the faces of her dearest potions and astronomy professors and also Tom Riddle.

A hand lightly touched hers, making her look up to meet the concerned face of Roman.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Define okay," Artemis said, making Roman blink.

"Are you physically fine and mentally sound?" He questioned.

Artemis nodded. "Yes."

"Are you expressing anger and or disappointment via the method of picturing somebody's face onto meat and then releasing those emotions by stabbing?" He asked, knowing his friend quite well.

"Yes," Artemis replied.

"Lovely," Roman commented. "And speaking of lovely," he began, lips curling upwards to a grin. "Gen is in the middle of seducing my seeker."

She looked to a few seats beside hers, where a coyly smiling Gen had opted to sit beside a blushing Reginald Davis. Artemis' lips quirked up. "Should we ready the heartbreak chocolates for him?"

Roman nodded with an amused smirk. "That would be a good idea. I'll ask my mother to mail one of those broken-hearted pun cards."

"Muggles are awesome," Artemis stated, eyes lit up and making Roman laugh at her words.

------> 0o0 <------

Later, just before Transfiguration class during which time Roman and Gen were partners and Reginald and Artemis were paired together, Artemis decided to take pity on Gen's newest victim and decided to warn him of the consequences. At least then, if he still fell to her trap, Artemis wouldn't feel too guilty and would be able to tell him to lie in the bed that his house-elf made.

"You know Gen's got a crush on you, right?" Artemis asked suddenly, making Reginald Davis snap his neck to meet her face, eyes wide.


"Yes," Artemis nodded. "I thought you should know. I love Gen, I really do, but she does have a habit of breaking hearts. So be careful with yours." She paused. "Do you like her?"

Reginald shook his head regretfully. "Sadly, no."

Artemis nodded at his answer. Gen was going to be crushed. "Then don't play along and let her down easy. I swear if you make her cry, I'll hex the life out of you."

Reginald's lips pursed. "But won't it change things between us? Make it awkward?"

"I think that your friendship can survive her little crush. Just be sure to let her down easy." Artemis advised.

"And how do I do that?" Reginald asked.

Artemis shrugged. "Be honest. Tell her how you feel. I'm sure Gen will understand."

Reginald's lips thinned as he shook his head. "That won't work."

"Why not?"

"If I tell her how I feel, she might get the impression that I want to get into a relationship." He admitted.

Artemis' eyebrows furrowed. "Why would she think that?"

"Because I'm..." He took a breath. "I'm in love with her."

Artemis' eyes widened. "WHAT?!" She shouted, drawing eyes and questioning looks from her classmates to her yell. She glared at them until they looked away.

"Just a little bit!" Reginald Davis added in protest, as if that would reduce her shock.

Artemis' mouth still gaped and her brain was still having trouble functioning properly when Professor Dumbledore jovially walked into the classroom less than five seconds later and began the class. She struggled to concentrate throughout the transfiguration class and if Professor Dumbledore noticed her lack of attention, he kindly didn't call her out for it.

The only thought that repeatedly echoed through her mind was, 'I have to tell Rome.'

------> 0o0 <-------

Roman was less shocked than she had been when she told him the news soon after Professor Dumbledore dismissed them, but he was still surprised that Reginald had been so blunt about it.

He swallowed. "Poor boy's heart will be crushed and stomped on."

Artemis nodded sadly. "She'll dip his heart in liquid nitrogen before dropping it in front of him to the floor before picking up the glittery dust and blowing it on her face with a kiss."

Roman nodded in agreement, a little proud of his pureblood friend for using a muggle terminology. "What do we do? I can't have Reginald's heartbreaking. He's our best -and only-seeker! We can't afford to lose in Quidditch matches!"

Artemis patted Reginald on the back reassuringly and flashed him a supportive smile. "We will do the only thing we can do in these perilous times: make Gen fall in love -truly and properly this time- with dear Reginald."

Roman nodded determinedly, a flame of hope burning brightly in his eyes. "Mission Love A Seeker is a go." He declared.

Artemis cringed at his words. "We'll think of a name later." She suggested sympathetically, making him frown.

"Why?" Roman asked with confusion. "What's wrong with the one I thought of?"

Artemis shook her head mournfully. "So, so many things," she replied simply, collecting and mentally preparing her mind to spend a night under the stars with Hogwarts golden -or rather silver- boy, Tom Riddle.

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