Chapter 34

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---------------------> ONE OF THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE was that sometimes, pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere

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---------------------> ONE OF THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE was that sometimes, pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere. The clearest summer could end in a downpour, in lightning and thunder. No matter how perfect and happy everything seemed, it would all come to an end, sooner or later. After all, the sun sets even in paradise.

And the worst part was, no one tells you it's all about to change, to be taken away. There's no proximity alert, no indication that you're standing on the precipice. And maybe that's what makes tragedy so tragic. Not just what happens, but how it happens: a sucker punch that comes at you out of nowhere, when you're least expecting it. No time to flinch or brace.

Artemis and Tom had served detention with Professor Slughorn, who hadn't minded the reason they -the perfect students- had earned detention in the first place. The three had spent the evening drinking tea and discussing the latest developments in the field of potions.

Thankfully, Minerva McGonagall wasn't one to gossip, spread rumours or speak ill about someone unless they completely deserved it, so everybody else was none the wiser about the little incident that had occurred, including Gen and Roman. Thank Merlin for that because Artemis didn't think they would ever let her live it down.

The days passed by them like a warm, summer breeze and before they knew it, they had written their O.W.L examinations and were spending the last few weeks prior to the much-awaited Leaving Feast with their friends, with Artemis, of course, still having no clue as to what her future career should be.

"An artist?" Reginald suggested, prompting Artemis to groan and shake her head.

"No. I do art for fun. I don't want to make a living out of it. I fear I may grow to hate it then."


"Too much work."


"Too little work."


"Never," Artemis said immediately. "I want to be something unique. Fleamont is definitely going to be a potion master. Mum was a healer before she went into an early voluntary retirement. Dad was an Auror before he became a politician and Charlus is also planning to quit his current career soon to take Dad's place at the Wizengamot."

"Then why don't you be a politician as well?" Roman joined the conversation, frowning his eyebrows. "I mean, you'd be brilliant at it."

Artemis sighed sadly. "That's the problem, I'm brilliant at everything."

"Not at being a cat-sitter, I'd assume." Gen chimed in and Artemis shot her a look, scoffing.

"On the contrary, I'd be an amazing cat-sitter."

"You'd sneeze too much and probably infect the cat with your human saliva."

"I'd still take care of the cat well." Artemis defended.

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