Chapter 19

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----------------------> WHEN THERE WERE SIBLINGS, FIGHTS WERE INEVITABLE. And that evening saw yet another nuclear argument taking place between Artemis and Fleamont on one of the hallways leading to the great hall with their friends playing witnesses to the argument with varying levels of exasperated faces.

"You maniac!" Fleamont yelled at her. "I pity the Bulgarian Quidditch player who is going to be struck with your pathetic existence."

"First of all, thank you for your faith in me that I will be with a Bulgarian Quidditch player," Artemis addressed, her voice rising with every word that left her mouth. "And secondly, do humanity a favour and cease to exist, Fleamont!"

"Trust me, vanishing from this mortal plane is a welcomed option compared to seeing your troll face." Fleamont retorted with a scoff.

Artemis smiled, pointing her wand in his direction as a glint sparkled in her eyes. "Then allow me to grant your wish."

Fleamont snorted at her statement but moved away by a step when he noticed the tip of her wand began to glow. "Baby sister dearest, my only wish is to be the youngest in our family. Can you grant me that?"

"Well Fleabag, you've already succeeded in being the youngest in our family mentally." Artemis countered with a sickly sweet smile, returning her wand to her holster. "Honestly, I've met babies with more maturity than you!"

"Talking about yourself, are you little sister?"

"Finally accepted that I have more maturity than you, big brother?"

"Oh, grow up!"

"That's bold coming from you."

"Well, I am a Gryffindor."

"You're also stupid," Artemis added pointedly.

Fleamont gasped. "You're stupid."

"Great retort. Spent all day thinking of that one did you?" Artemis cooed sympathetically. "And dear brother, I hope you remember that between the two of us, I'm the one who has been sorted into Ravenclaw."

"I didn't know the hat was capable of making mistakes until it sorted you," Fleamont said snidely.

"And I didn't know the universe was capable of making mistakes until I met you." Artemis shot-back.

"Shut up, Arty!"

"Only when you learn to use the brain you've been blessed, Fleabag!" Artemis said.

Fleamont's face flushed. "You're such a condescending, hypocritical hippogriff!"

"Wow," Artemis began, sarcasm dripping from her voice like honey. "It must be difficult for you, exhausting your vocabulary in one sentence like that."

"Go to hell, Arty."

"Where do you think I crawled out of, you specimen with the intelligence of a cockroach?" Artemis retorted and before her brother could counter her remark, a boy with a red and gold tie interrupted their semi-playful argument.

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