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Jon's POV

"You've never had a girlfriend?!" Emmy asks me, her eyes as wide as saucers.

"No, not really. I was never into relationships. I was more of a hook up guy."

"Why not?"

"It's just too much of a commitment for me, not really my thing."

"So you told me that you liked me because you wanted a hook up?" She asks me in a low voice, sounding disappointed. Meanwhile, I get into a full on panic mode when I realized that she got me completely wrong. It is totally different when it comes to Emmy. She's probably the only girl in my life, from whom I wanted something more than just senseless sex. I want to have something with her that is real, pristine and consequential.

"No Emmy" I say softly. I couldn't see the disappointed look she had in her face anymore, so I held her hand across the table and looked into her eyes, sinking my self into the emerald green.

"I will never see you like that. And for your kind information, I don't confess shit to my hook ups. Once the night is over, they are forgotten. So get this into your pretty little head that you are nowhere near to being like those girls." Before I could keep going about I feel about her, she smiles at me sweetly and give my hand a gentle squeeze.

"It's alright Jonny. I was just getting you all riled up." She giggles

"Oh come on Emmy. You got me there for a second" I say letting out a breath of relief.

"What about you? How many boyfriends have you had?" I ask inquisitively. 

"Just one." She says smiling sadly.

"And how did that go?"

"Well, this had happened during my high school days. It's like those typical romantic movies where the popular bad boy falls for the shy girl. It was going good in the beginning. I really liked him and I thought he felt the same too. One night we were at a party, and he said that he wanted to take things a little further, basically he wanted to have sex. But I wasn't ready at the time and had politely denied him, he didn't seem to be pleased with my denial though. He tried his best to get into my pants but I wasn't having any of it. The next day, however, I came to know that he had placed a filthy bet with his friends to get the school dork, which is me, to sleep with him. I was so heartbroken, I really wished my first relationship wasn't this big of a blunder." She says sighing.

"He's a motherfucking asshole. He shouldn't have done that. You deserve so much better." I say gritting my teeth. How did he even have the heart to do something so cruel to an innocent soul like Emmy. She deserves to be treated like a princess. Hell, she is a princess. My princess.

"So is that the reason why you didn't go for another relationship?"

" Oh no! Nothing like that" she says laughing.
"Just because my first boyfriend was a jerk doesn't mean all the boys are. I started to get really busy once Sweet Tooth was under my name. I had worked day and night to perfect every tiny thing. I didn't actually have the time for relationships honestly."

I keep wondering if it's possible for me to fall any harder for this woman, but she proves me wrong every fucking time. Is it even real for anyone to be this perfect?

"Oh dear! My lunch break is almost over. I better get going." She says getting up and swinging her handbag over her shoulder. I pay for our lunch and head towards my car with Emmy walking beside me. This was supposed to be her treat but there is no way in hell that I'll let her pay. I'm not trying to be a male chauvinist pig but it's just that, I like taking care of Emmy. As long as I'm there with her, I don't want her to move a muscle. She deserves to be taken care of, since she's been doing that herself for years now. She's definitely not used to people being considerate of her.

"Hey Jon, what are you doing tonight?" She asks as I am driving to the bakery.

"My Friday nights are mostly spent in the pub. Why?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come home for dinner. I'll cook! But it's totally fine if you've got other plans, we can reschedule it for an other time." Reschedule it for an other time? Like hell I would let her sweet ass reschedule it. She might've lost her mind if she thought I'd ever choose something else over spending quality time with her.

"Sure! I'd love that." I say trying not to sound like an excited oaf.

"That's wonderful! How about 8?"

"8 sounds lovely"I say, dreamily staring into her eyes as I pull over to the front side of Sweet Tooth.

"Alrighty then I'll see you at 8. Bye Jonny and thanks for lunch." She says getting out of the car and entering into Sweet Tooth after waving me bye one last time.


"What the fuck is this?" I murmur to myself as I look through the paper works in my office.

"Yo James! Get your fucking ass in my office right now!" I scream at the top of my lungs, infuriated with the horrendous mess James has created.

"Jesus Christ Jon! What happened?"

"What the actual fuck is this?" I ask throwing the paper towards him.

"What's wrong in this?" He asks nonchalantly.

"WHAT IS WRONG? James you fucktard, you've purchased a fucking deck lid worth 280$ for Mr. Scott."

"Yeah so?"

"He owns a motherfucking Volkswagen Beetle. It does not even have a deck! What were you thinking? I told you to place an order for a car radiator not a fucking deck lid you moron."
I was fuming with anger at this point. This is not the first time James has messed up. He is absent minded, careless and least bothered about the things happening around him. Why do I still have that son of a bitch working for me?

"I gotta say James you're taking me for granted. Just because I didn't fire your sorry ass yet doesn't mean I won't do it in the future. You're walking on thin ice, boy. I won't think twice before firing you if my shop goes through one more loss because of you."

"I'm sorry Jon." He says in a low voice, his head lying low and his hands behind his back. I can sense him fidgeting and being utterly humiliated. But if I don't knock some sense into him now, he's probably gonna repeat the same mistake.

"Leave my office James." I say not being able to meet his eyes.

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