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Emma's POV

When I was 10 years old, my parents and I had gone to the beach one Sunday morning. Dad was teaching me how to swim and mom was just enjoying herself, watching us by the shore. My dad and I were in the waters and suddenly, he was called by mom for something.

"I'll be right back princess, stay here, and don't get too adventurous with the water." He said before her went towards mom.

My feet was planted deep into the sand under the waters, but a huge wave thrashed against me and I lost my balance. I was swept further into the waters where I lost complete control over my limbs, and I was drowning. I felt like I was going to die. I thought I would never get to see the world again. That day, that moment, all the events in my life flashed before my eyes, my memories with my parents, my school life, My friends, everything. When you feel like you're going to die, you get a mini rewind of your life.

That's exactly what I was feeling now. The ruined wedding cake on the floor gave me the same terror I had experienced when I was drowning. I couldn't believe my eyes. My knees were getting weak, I was feeling light headed, I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, my whole body felt hot. I was at the verge of collapsing when a pair of strong arms held me. If I wasn't being held, I'm pretty sure I'd be on the floor, beside the cake. I was made to sit on a nearby chair and I could hear a faint voice. I couldn't decipher whose voice it was because there was a constant ringing in my ears. Slowly, the voice was getting familiar, after what seemed like hours, I could finally recognize the owner of the voice.

"Emma! Emma, listen to me baby." Jon said shaking my shoulders. I was slowly pulled back into reality. I look at Jon and gasp loudly, the gravity of the situation hitting me like a tonne of bricks. I ruined the cake. Everything is over. I ruined a girl's wedding, I was so clumsy that I put my bakery at risk. And all I did was cry out loud, like a maniac.

"Shhhhh......don't cry baby. Please look at me Emma. Sweetheart please stop crying." Jon pacifies me by holding my face to look at him.

"It's over Jon. I ruined the cake. I was stupid enough to think I could carry that to the freezer! I am such an idiot." I say hitting my head with my fist. I deserve to die at this point. How could I be so stupid?

"No Emma! Stop it." He says pulling wrists away so that I don't harm myself.

"Look baby, we got this okay? Please stop crying. I want you to calm down, Emma. Please for God's sake calm the fuck down!" He says raising his voice. I abruptly stop crying, I was afraid that I might anger him, but I did know that he raised his voice against me to shut me up and not because he was infuriated. Even though I was quiet, the tears were repeatedly falling down my cheeks. Jon lifts me and takes the seat I was sitting on, and places me on his lap. He puts my head on his shoulder and rubs my back. He mumbles sweet nothings into my ear to comfort me. Once I've calmed down, he holds my face.

"Look at me Emma." He says wiping off the stray tears.

"Do you remember the recipe?" He asks. I nod my head, unable to trust my own voice from breaking.

"Then we're gonna make it again." He says with determination.

"No Jon. We cannot. It took 6 hours to make it with the help of four people. We're still just two."

"By when should this be delivered?"

"Tomorrow, 1PM."

"It's just 9:30 now. If we want, we can make it. Trust me in this Emma, at least we can try. We shouldn't give up so easily. We can do this baby."

"B-But the ingredients are almost over. What is  left, w-won't be enough for an entire cake. Everyone's hard work went down the drain because of me." I say whispering the last part.

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