Chapter 12

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I stepped up into his black Audi, settling into the seat and instantly second guessing the entire thing. I glanced at Hampton, reminding myself that in order to stay in the clear with my parents - this was what had to be done. I needed to pretend to be a socialite again; it had been way too long since I'd had a date with my chai latter and movie in bed. 

"Where too?" he joined me, getting in and buckling his seatbelt.

I just looked at him. "I thought you had a plan." Who drives all the way to someone's house, tricks them into a "date," then expects them to have the plans?

"Oh, I do," he put the car in reverse, pulling out of the driveway. "I just wanted to see if you had anything in mind." 

I eyed the huge tree casting shadows on the house and over my window, suddenly wishing I was in my room. In my bed. Away from Hampton and his weird jokes. "So where are we going?"

"Well we have two stops," he said, turning out of my driveway. "The first one is the farmer's market." 

"I just ate," I said instinctively, almost like a reflex. The farmer's market was crawling with kids and their parents, especially their parents, on Saturdays. I didn't remember the last time I had been to the market. I never wanted to go with Mom anymore, so she eventually stopped asking. 

"That's okay. You'll be hungry later, right?" Jeez, he wasn't talking no for an answer. I stared out the window, watching the outside world pass by. Maybe he'd park far away, and I could stay in the car. That way, no one will have seen me. 

I nodded, knowing I would be hungry and practically feeling my tummy preparing to grumble in an hour. He put down both driver's and passenger side windows, air streaming through and blowing my hair around. The familiar saltiness of the nearby water filled the car, and part of my anxiety was put to ease. As much as I hated Port Royal and everyone in it, I could never hate the smell. 

Hampton put one hand on the steering wheel, dropping the other to his lap. "What's this place called, again? My mom told me but I forgot-"

"Moe's." Moe's Farmer's Market was the next best thing next to the Creamy and Creamier Creamery - tongue twister, I know. Moe's was Annie and I's favorite spot on the weekends; we'd grab some fruit and head to the dock, gossiping the whole time and making fun of strangers as they passed. 

Hampton glanced at me. "Do you go there a lot?" 

I contemplated the question. His tone. 

A tiny voice whispered in my head, urging me to lie. It was what was best. He can't know. Not yet. Not now. "Yeah," I gave him a smile. "All the time." 

"What's your favorite thing to get?" 

I didn't even need to think about it. "Chocolate covered potato chips."

He made a face, looking disgusted. "Penny."

I laughed at his face, wanting to defend Annie and I's favorite snack. "They're so good. I'm surprised you haven't had them." 

"I think my body is thanking me for not having them."

"Drama queen," I rolled my eyes. 

"That's what you said when you met me." He looked at me, giving me a smile that pressed dimples into his cheeks. 

"You have to try them," I said, crossing my legs. 

He seemed to contemplate this, drumming his fingers against the wheel at the stop light. "Fine. But only if you promise me one thing." 

I raised an eyebrow, waiting.

"You have to tell me one thing about yourself. At some point today." 

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