Somebody to you

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Kat hesitantly peered around the door of her villa and was met with an eerie silence. She crept in and headed straight up to her room, gently closing the door behind her once safely inside. A longing sigh escaped her dry lips as she emptied the contents of her bag out onto the bed and set to hanging up last nights damp clothes.

"Ah-ha" she celebrated after finally locating her portable charger on the floor next to the bed, and threw it inside her small handbag.

The sky was thick with heavy clouds and the panels of glass in the balcony doors rattled gently from the chilled breeze hitting against them. She grabbed her black leather jacket from under the pile of clothes on her dresser and awkwardly shrugged it on over her hoodie. With a final check around the room to make sure she had everything she needed, she headed back out into the hallway.

"You in?" She tapped softly on Debbie's door as she passed.

"Yep, coming." Debbie instantly appeared at the door. "Late night?" She smirked, closing it behind her. "You look very tired today."

Kat rolled her eyes, not having the energy to play games.

"Come on, I'm just joking with you." Debbie linked arms with Kat and led her along the corridor towards the stairs. "I want the full details to get me through this day." Debbie giggled playfully as they made their along the narrow hallway and down the stairs. The rest of the group were now congregating in the foyer waiting to go as Kat and Debbie reached the bottom step.

"Well?" Nita instantly asked as Kat stopped next to her.

"Well, what?" Kat nonchalantly adjusted her messy bun in a bid to appear casual about the question.

"The date silly." Natalia excitedly added.

"How did it go?" Rachel pressed stepping forward slightly to nudge Kat.

"Did you do it?" Jayne cocked an eyebrow in jest as the others giggled childishly.

"Come on ladies, let's not pressure her." Debbie jumped to Kats defence. "I'm sure Kat will be happy to fill us in over lunch when we finally get to Volterra."

Kat smiled gratefully to Debbie for cutting in. "Yeah, absolutely. We need to get on the road, but I'll tell all once we're there." Her smile turned to an awkward grin as the ladies smiles deflated.

"Ok, come on then girls let's get going," Joyce commanded as she opened the front door and led them all down the path towards the minibus.

"Don't tell them bitches anything," Debbie whispered jovially to Kat as they trailed behind the rest of the group.

Kat turned her head to look at Debbie as her eyebrows knitted together.

"You don't need to reveal all to them, this is yours, not theirs. Just be brief, tell them the bare minimum to keep them at bay but you keep the good bits to yourself." Debbie linked arms with Kat again as they continued to walk toward the bus. "Obviously I get to hear the WHOLE story though."

"Goes without saying." Kat winked causing them both to quietly giggle at each other.

"Ciao." Stefano boomed as they approached the minibus.

"Morning Stefano." They all sung back before he and Joyce exchanged their morning pleasantries whilst the rest of the group climbed aboard and took their seats. Kat and Debbie made sure they got in first and headed straight to the back of the bus whilst Rachel sat in front of them and Natalia sat in front of her. Jayne spread herself out over a couple of seats on the other side and Gill and Nita joined Joyce upfront.

"We ready ladies?" Joyce joyfully boomed as she got comfortable in the driver's seat and readjusted the mirrors.

"All good to go," Gill confirmed for the group as she looked back at the gloomy looking faces in the back of the bus.

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